20亿in english

The MDG initiative worth 1 billion euros launched by the European Union at the Millennium Development Goals Summit in 2010 was [...]

欧洲现在正在执行 2010 年欧洲联盟在千年发展 目标首脑会议上发起的价值为 10 亿欧元的千年发 展目标倡议。

In the areas of automotive and industrial technology,


consumer goods, and building technology, more than 300,000 associates generated

[...] sales of 51.5 billion euros in fiscal 2011.

在汽车技术、工业技术、消费品和建筑智能化技术领域,博世集团超过300,000名员工在2011财政年度 创 造了 51 5亿欧 元的 销 售业 绩。

Furthermore, the Trident project of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to build a new generation of nuclear-armed submarines and the announced policy of France to modernize all branches of its nuclear forces, including producing new nuclearpowered


ballistic missile submarines, by spending

[...] more than 350 billion euros until 2020, are [...]

all flagrant violations of international


law, namely obligations under article VI of the Treaty and the 1995 decision on principles and objectives for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation as well as the commitments made by the nuclear-weapon States at the 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences.



[...] 新型核动力弹道导弹潜艇,将在 2020 年以前花费 3 500 多亿欧元执行这项 计划, 所有这些都明目张胆地违反了国际法,即《不扩散条约》第六条规定的义务、1995 [...]



2000 年和 2010 年 审议大会上作出的承诺。

Bank of Japan injects 9,7 billion euros in the financial [...]

sector - The Bank of Japan announced on Wednesday injecting more


1,5 trillion yen (9,7 billion) into the financial system of the country to meet the liquidity needs of banks.

日本央行注入9,7亿欧元的金融部 门 - 日本央行公布上周三到国家的金融体系,以满足流动性需求的银行注入更多1,5万亿日元(9,7亿元)。


In France, the cooperative movement has a

[...] turnover of 181 billion euros, where cooperatives [...]

handle 60 per cent of retail banking,


40 per cent of food and agricultural production, and 25 per cent of retail sales.

在法国,合作社运动的交易额达 1 810 亿欧元,合作社处理零 售银行业务的60%,粮食和农业生产 [...]

[...] investments of 2.6 billion euros are being made [...]

in the Russian health services, in areas that include technology, provisions and consumables.

仅 2006 年俄罗斯卫生事业的投 资就达 26 亿欧元, 其中主 要包括医疗技术、疾病预防和消费材料等几 [...]

The major privatization, POWL (public offering without listing), and large financing projects Mr. Numano has been involved in include the business and capital alliance between Nippon Steel Corporation and POSCO (the global sale of the government’s equity by KDB [Korea Development Bank]) in 2000; the global IPO and POWL of Deutsche Post in 2000; the global offering and POWL of Korea Telecom (now KT) of South Korea (the first POWL of a South Korean company) in 2001; the public offering of exchangeable bonds of KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) in 2005 (the first public


offering of exchangeable bonds by a foreign

[...] company; 1.1 billion euros); and the public [...]

offerings and global offerings of Toshiba


Corporation and Hitachi, Ltd. in 2009.


[...] [...] Post的全球IPO及日本公开发行,2001年韩国通信(韩国,现在为KT)的全球发行及日本公开发行( 韩国企业首次),2005年由德国复兴金融公库(KfW)发行的与其他公司具有股票交换权的债券(海外企业 首次的公开发 行 EB, 1 1亿欧 元) , 20 09年东芝、日立制作所实施的股票公开发行及全球发行(海外发售部分)等。

According to the Association of German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA), German trade fair organizers, which are known for their extensive


experience in the conduct of international trade fairs, have an annual turnover

[...] of around 2.5 billion Euros (HK$28.3 billion).

根據德 國貿易展覽業協會(AUMA), 德 國的貿易展覽 主 辦機構

[...] 以舉辦國際貿易展覽經驗 豐 富 見稱,這些 機 構 每 年的營 業 額 約為25億 歐 羅 (283億港元)。

According to a five-year plan for 2011-2015, investments in the railway industry will total approx 3.5

[...] trillion Renminbi (377 billion euros).

[...] 2011–2015 五年计划, 铁路行业的总投资将达到 3.5 万亿元人 民币。

According to Fairtrade Labelling


Organizations International (FLO), consumers all over the

[...] world spent 1.6 billion Euros on certified [...]

Fairtrade products last year.

[...] 国际公平贸易标签组织宣称,去年全世界的消费者总共在经过认证的公平交易的产品 上消费了十六亿欧元。

The Heraeus Precious Metal and Technology group achieved

[...] total sales of 22 billion Euros in 2010.


贺利氏贵金属及科技集 团2010年销售总额为220亿欧元。


[...] value of 100,239 billion euros the most expensive [...]

蘋果的品牌價值100,239億歐元在世界 上最 昂貴的品牌。


[...] quarter of a billion euros are being held [...]

in banks of various United Nations Member States.

现有约 2.5 亿欧元存放在联合国不同会员国的银 行。

[...] size of over one billion euros means that this [...]

is one of the most substantial vehicle procurement plans in Germany during the last few decades.

超过10亿欧元的订单价 值,意味着它是德国过去几十年中规模最大的车辆采购计划。

Therefore, the State’s annual

[...] investment exceeds 1 billion Euros in funding 17.295 [...]

Cooperation Agreements, which provide


solutions to circa 508 thousand users.

因此,国家年逾 10 亿欧元的投资用于资助 17,295 个合作 协定,从而为大约 [...]

On 21 December 2011 the Norwegian government

[...] [...] offer up to 6 billion SDR (equivalent to 7 billion euros) to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), [...] [...]

to contribute to stabilising the European and international economy, and thus also contribute to safeguarding the Norwegian economy and Norwegian jobs.

2011年12月21日,挪威政府宣布将向国际货币基金组织提供 60亿特 别提 款权(相当于 70亿欧元) ,作 为一笔贡献 于 欧洲 和全 球经济稳定的双边贷款,并以此为保卫挪威经济与就业做出贡献。

Volkswagen will further expand the investment in China, and two joint ventures of the group---Shanghai Volkswagen and FAW Volkswagen had declared the biggest investment plan of all the time in China, from this year to 2016 it


will add new investment in

[...] China valuing 14 billion Euros (plus to 18.5 billion US dollars), [...]

mainly to bring more Green cars


for China market and establish the Green factories.

大众汽车将进一步扩大对华投资,该集团在华两家合资企业上海大众和一汽-大众已宣布了有史以来规模最大的投 资计划:从今年到2016年在中国新增投 资 140亿 欧元 ( 约合 185亿美元 ), 主要用于为中国市场带来更多的环保车型和建设环保工厂。

Coface is a subsidiary of Natixis whose share capital

[...] (Tier 1) was 12.7 billion Euros end December 2009.

科法斯是法國 Natixis 銀行集團的子公司,截止

[...] 2009 年 12 月,Natixis 銀行集團的一級資 本金為 127 億歐元。

Proposed extension of the background is, Greece is


trying to try to further reduce government

[...] spending 11.5 billion euros -- the equivalent [...]

of about 5% of the country's economic


output, according to the country and the European Union (EU) and the international monetary fund (IMF) to achieve the existing rescue plan, it will be in 2013 to 2014 in implementation.

提议展期的背景是,希腊正努力设法进一 步 缩减 1 15 亿 欧元 政 府 开支 ——相当于该国经济总产出的5%——根据该国与欧盟(EU)以及国际货币基金组织(IMF)达成的现有救助 计划,此举将在2013至2014年实施到位。

The 750 billion euros EU, ECB and FMI [...]

bailout package seems to have staved off fears of the Greek sovereign debt crisis


spreading to the rest of the euro zone, and beyond.

歐盟的 7,500 億歐元、歐洲央 行 及 FMI 歐盟緊急救助計劃等似乎有助消除大眾對希臘外債危機會蔓延至整個歐元區的恐懼。

VW’s China sales jumped nearly 20 percent last


year to more than 2 million cars, and its operating profit there rose by an even bigger 42

[...] percent to 3.7 billion euros.

2012年,大众汽车在中国汽车销量增长近20%,至200多万台;运营利润增长 4 2%, 至 37亿欧 元。

She referred to a recent legislative


proposal by the European Commission

[...] to allocate 96 billion euros ($130 billion) to European [...]

Union external assistance for the


period 2014-2020, which would complement the cooperation programmes of member countries.

[...] 至 2020 年期间的欧盟外部援助拨款 960 亿欧元(1 300 亿美元) 的法 律提案,这将补充成员国的合作方案。

The successful merger of BNP Paribas Fortis' and BGL BNP Paribas' entities with those of the Group thanks to the dedication of teams in all the territories and business units resulted in an increase in the synergies estimated for 2012 from 900 million


euros to 1,200 million euros with

[...] the associated restructuring costs revised up from 1.3 billion to 1.65 billion euros.

全赖集团各业务单位及地区团队的竭诚尽力,集团旗下实体与富通银行及BGL BNP Paribas旗下实体成功整合,令2012年估计协同效益由9亿欧元增 至 12亿欧元 ,相 关重组成本则 从 13亿欧元 修订 至 16.5 亿欧 元。


