Indigenous 中文

Its implications are worth considering, particularly in the light of the post-processualist rush to embrace alternative, indigenous voices throughout the world.

The political participation of indigenous peoples is often a difficult issue for states.

The migrants are initially hired by indigenous farmers (who can transfer land rights to the next generation) as wage workers on short-term contracts.

Thus, locally indigenous nematodes should be easily found for biocontrol programmes in the region.

A claim of dominion was used, in turn, to legitimise the town's right to call on the indigenous population for labour service.

The biggest obstacle to establishing participation rights for indigenous peoples in a treaty would have arisen from the factual setting.

It destroys traditional economic forms, erodes spiritual and cultural traditions, and threatens the identity of indigenous peoples.

Both examples suggest a culturalpolitical logic - unwritten, fluid, but influential - which leaves some indigenous organisations privileged and others all but excluded.


The authors reject the "backward-looking preservationist" perspective, which seeks to maintain diglossia by keeping indigenous languages within their traditional domains.

Both examples suggest a culturalpolitical logic - unwritten, fluid, but influential - which leaves some indigenous organisations privileged and others all but excluded.

First, political elites may respond selectively to indigenous claims, meeting specific types of demands, while marginalising or punishing other types of claims.

Insistence on an entirely local quality to indigenous movements therefore suggests that indigenous peoples are being held to a different standard.

Cultural assimilation has ceased to be acceptable to indigenous peoples in post-colonial societies.

The political participation of indigenous peoples is often a difficult issue for states.

A good number of local constitutions have been reformed, and a few state laws on indigenous rights and culture have been enacted.

It destroys traditional economic forms, erodes spiritual and cultural traditions, and threatens the identity of indigenous peoples.



阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




Agroforestry systems, including indigenous technologies adopted in community-based forest management areas


Tapping local and indigenous knowledge in project development and implementation

㈢ 利用地方和本土知识进行项目开发和实施;

Banyan Tree Gallery showcasing indigenous arts and crafts.

Banyan Tree 画廊陈列本土艺术和工艺品。

Material from indigenous and local knowledge systems


Programme on support for intercultural indigenous education


Private sector industries operating on indigenous lands and territories

六. 在土著土地和领地上开展业务的私营部门行业

Capacity-building for government officials on indigenous issues

八. 对公共行政人员进行的土著专题培训

Combining science and technology with indigenous knowledge


Campaign on violence against indigenous women.


Advocating for and defending indigenous minorities in Tanzania


Appointment of tenured teachers in 22 indigenous regions


The indigenous community 107 - 115 24

七、有关土著社区、妇女和儿童及私刑的问题. 107 - 137 23

Includes provisions on the special indigenous jurisdiction.


Promotion of indigenous delegates within official delegations of Convention processes


ILO technical assistance concerning indigenous and tribal women

六. 与土著和部落妇女有关的劳工组织技术援助

It acknowledges the historical injustices experienced by indigenous Australians.


Culturally appropriate education for indigenous women and girls


Some indigenous representatives welcomed the invitation and attended the consultations.


Violence against indigenous women must be systematically addressed.


It noted concerns about violence affecting indigenous women.




结果: 26684. 精确: 26684. 用时: 36毫秒


