讓 我 留 下 美好 的 回憶 英文


給他留下了美好的回憶Left a good memory ; To his great memories

留下了美好的回憶Left a good memory ; great memories


  • 她的現代風情,迷人魅力和萬象景觀將給您的深圳之旅留下美好的回憶

    you will find her so much impressive for her modern styles, appeal and panorama of views.

  • 我希望新加坡人能夠一起努力把青奧運辦好,使所有青奧運的參與者留下美好的回憶

    i hope all singaporeans will work together to put up a good show, and make the games memorable for all our visitors.

  • 我們必須努力獲勝,為這場比賽留下美好的回憶

    we must try to win to have a good memory of this campaign.

  • 愿你們喜歡深圳的熱情與活力,愿深圳的一切給你們留下美好的回憶

    i hope your experience in shenzhen will be a wonderful memory.

  • 愿我們都能為彼此留下美好的回憶,祝福你,希望你永遠快樂。

    we would like to be able to leave a good memory to each other. i bless you and i hope you will be always happy.

  • 從高級董事會到產品發布會或公司慶典,我們確保所有活動都會給您留下美好的回憶

    from the senior board of directors to product launches or company celebrations, we ensure that all activities will give you beautiful memories.

  • 如果我能在子嗣行囊中留下美好的回憶,我會感到幸福.

    i would feel blessed if i could leave in my children's travelling bag any beautiful memory.

  • 或許是為了讓兩人的關系劃上圓滿的句號,或許是為了留下美好的回憶,更或許是為了避免離別前的煎熬。

    maybe by that journey, they can end their relationship with satisfaction or keep a good memory. but the main aim is to avoid suffering from departing.

  • 每次的感動都是只是瞬間,沒有能留下美好的回憶

    every time of touched all is just in a twinkling, do not can leave fine recollection.

  • 希望貼吧可以給我們留下美好的回憶

    i hope it can be affixed to our memories!

  • 忘卻,是一種逃遁,也是復元。忘卻之后,我們只留下美好的回憶

    forget, is a kind of escape, but also fuyuan. after the forget, we only left a good memory.

  • 初衷就是盡可能讓sc給我留下美好的回憶.

    my original intention was to leave sc with as many good memories as possible.

  • 風格獨特的藝術攝影給您和您的家人留下美好的回憶

    the distinctive art photography gives you and your family sweet memories.

  • 我的初衷就是盡可能的讓sc給我留下美好的回憶

    my original intention was to leave sc with as many good memories as possible.

  • 怎樣通過這個一分鐘個性自我介紹給大家留下美好的回憶和記憶呢?

    how to pass the minute personality self introduction give you memories and memory?

  • 這種只談你的兒時的話題對我來說是一堆廢話。我的童年時代可沒有給我留下美好的回憶

    all this talk of the happiest days of your life is bunkum to me. i have no happy memories of my childhood.

  • 我衷心祝愿上海世博會給大家留下美好的回憶,祝愿世博精神在世界各地發揚光大,祝愿世界的明天更加美好

    i sincerely hope that the expo 2010 shanghai china has been a memorable experience for you all. may the expo spirit thrive across the world, and may our world be an even better place.

  • 這個夏天最棒的部分之一就是我們3歲和6歲的孩子們也可以玩的開心,留下美好的回憶

    one of the best parts of going this summer was that our now 3 and 6 year old children could really enjoy it, and make memories there.

  • 獨具特色的海上迪廳、沙灘篝火等休閑娛樂活動,一定會給您留下美好的回憶

    unique marine disco, beach bonfire and other leisure and recreational activities will give you good memories.

  • 她說,她會對每個顧客負責,讓每個顧客留下美好的回憶

    she said「 i will be responsible for each customer and hope they all leave happy memories.」

  • 希望我們的演出能給您帶來美妙的享受,留下美好的回憶

    we hope that our performance will give you a wonderful enjoyment and leave you a beautiful memory!

  • 希望這次北京之行給您留下美好的回憶

    i hope this trip to beijing will leave you happy memories.


  • leave a good memory



給他留下了美好的回憶Left a good memory ; To his great memories

留下了美好的回憶Left a good memory ; great memories


  • 但愿和她在kfc的時光能給我留下美好回憶

    i hope she would take back happy memories of me sitting with her at kfc.

  • 迷人的惠州歡迎您, 愿惠州能為您留下美好回憶.

    welcome to huizhou, may this enchanting place a deep impression on you.

  • 砂巖壁面反射的光帶來一絲暖意。那些家庭盡情享受著將給他們留下美好回憶的夏日時光。

    light reflects from the sandstone walls, bringing a bit of warmth to families enjoying their precious shared summer moments of memory making.

  • 我希望全體新加坡人能夠一起努力把青奧會辦好,使所有參與者留下美好回憶

    i hope all singaporeans will work together to put up a good show and make the games memorable for all our visitors.

  • 雙魚:有很多魚兒會在2009年結婚,魚兒也希望能舉行一個極具創意又能給人留下美好回憶的儀式。

    there may be many pisces weddings in 2009, and fish will say, 「i do」 in creative, memorable ceremonies.

  • 雙魚:有很多魚兒會在2006年結婚,魚兒也希望能舉行一個極具創意又能給人留下美好回憶的儀式。

    pisces (feb. 20 - mar. 20)there may be many pisces weddings in 2006, and fish will say, 「i do」 in creative, memorable ceremonies.

  • 當你暢游這座花園城市,它的現代風情、迷人魅力和萬向景觀將給您的深圳之旅留下美好回憶

    when you walk around this garden city, you will be impressed by her modern styles, appeal and panorama of views.

  • 誠意出租,價格公道,保養清爽,隨時入住,讓此行為你在上海留下美好回憶

    sincerity rental, price, maintenance refreshing, always stay, so the behavior you are in shanghai and have a good memory.


