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In Haiti, output of cereals and starchy roots in 2015 dropped to its lowest level in 12 years.


When you take the fiber (those whole grains) out of the starchy carb, you have to eat much more to be satisfied.


The image below shows a classical plating technique that uses the three basic food items of starch, vegetables and main in a specific arrangement.

淀粉类:9 点钟和 11 点钟方向之间

Starch: Between 9 to 11 o'clock

淀粉阻滞剂: 口服,减缓淀粉类(糖)从肠道的吸收

Starch blockers: Pills that slow starch (sugar) absorption from the gut

复杂的碳水化合物(寡和多糖)被发现在谷类、谷物、面条、淀粉类蔬菜、水果,如果中吸收消化道中被打破,单体(葡萄糖、糖,等等 ) 。

Complex carbohydrates (oligo - and polysaccharides) that are found in cereals, grains, pasta, starchy vegetables, fruits if absorbed in the digestive tract are broken down to monomers (glucose, fructose, etc.).


This may lead to more substitution of costlier micronutrient-rich foods with cheaper starchy staples, and to reduced meals and food consumed, which will reduce micronutrient intakes.

你有没有注意过一块甜甜圈或曲奇饼干是怎样使你嘴不能停的?当你停下来时, 你却发现盒子里只剩一些碎渣子了. 那是因为你的大脑受淀粉类碳水化合物影响了. 莫恩说:"含糖的白面粉做的食物比如说甜点、饼干和曲奇饼干里含有单糖, 这种单糖会使你的血糖飙升, 然后又骤降."

Ever notice how one doughnut or cookie leaves you unable to resist eating another... until the whole box is just crumbs? That's your brain on starchy carbs. "Simple carbs, the kind found in sugary, white flour foods likepastries, crackersand cookies, spikeyour blood sugar levels quickly, then leave them plunging soon after," says Moon.


Agar is a polysaccharide extracted from seaweed and is one of the most widely used seaweed gums in the world. Agar is rich in minerals and multivitamins. Among them, alginate has antihypertensive effect, and starch sulfate has lipid-lowering function, which has certain preventive effects on hypertension and hyperlipidemia.


This means that while increased trade may have lowered the price of macronutrients in low-income countries (although with a greater vulnerability to price shocks), the reverse has been true for micronutrient-rich products, leading poor families in developing countries to shift to monotonous, micronutrient-poor diets, relying mainly on starchy staples, as more diverse diets may become unaffordable or less affordable than diets comprised of staples.

试着把你的日常饮食定为30%的蔬菜,20%的水果,20%的碳水化合物(面、米和玉米等的淀粉类 ) , 20%蛋白质(肉类,豆类和蔬菜类 ) , 和10%的奶制品。

Eating a diet of 80% carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, and starches like wheat, rice, and corn, 10% protein (which is found in meat, beans, and legumes), and 10% fats.


The saunaboat is mainly cooked by steaming food with water, which can fully cleave the starch polysaccharides in the food, which is beneficial to human body absorption.


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[09.29]Domestic and


You get a combination of protein, starch...


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