冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

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'戰利品(英語:The Spoils of War) 是權力的遊戲第7季的第4集。也是全系列第64集。於2017年8月6日播出。編劇為David Benioff & D.B. Weiss,導演Matt Shakman.[1]


丹妮莉絲反攻。 詹姆 面临着一个出乎意料的处境. 艾莉亞 回家.



临冬城, 培提爾·貝里席 和最近回来的 布兰·史塔克 见面. 明显希望利用史塔克家族的孩子间的不统一, 他试图巴结布兰, 艾德·史塔克的最后一个纯血统的儿子 以及临冬城的合法继承人。小指头给了布兰一件礼物, 正是那个被雇佣的刺客在他被推下临冬城的一座塔楼后昏迷时试图用来杀死他的那把 瓦雷利亞鋼的匕首。但是, 布兰·史塔克 作为新的 三眼乌鸦 沉浸在他的视野中,仍然毫不带感情, 并且大体上讲对这件礼物毫不感兴趣, 只是心不在焉地问了一句这把匕首属于谁. 带着一个扭曲的表情, 小指头回应道, 从某种程度上来说, 这是一个挑起了整个 五王之戰的问题. 布兰的母亲 凱特琳·史塔克 在南下去君臨的路上随身携带着这把匕首 来试图找到它属于谁, 她确信是兰尼斯特家族的人派遣了刺客来杀死布兰的 (并且把它留在奈德那里 , 从小指头那里得到的). 小指头试图 manipulate 布兰 通过谈及布兰幸存地返回臨冬城时的混乱.布兰看着小指头说, "混乱是阶梯" 作为回应,这是 小指头很多年前在君臨说给 瓦里斯并且布兰完全不可能听到的话. 小指头 失常地叫了史塔克大人向布兰告别, 尽管布兰一再坚持自己现在再也不会当一个领主了.

小指头离开后, 梅拉·黎德进入了布兰的房间.注视着他的新轮椅,他解释道是学士沃肯 为他做的.梅拉说她来是向他告别的; 她承诺过保护他的安全, 现在他已经返回了临冬城,有他的史塔克军队保卫着,在战争来临之前,他和其他人一样安全。她表示当異鬼来临时, 她想和和她的家人在一起,因此她将要返回颈泽去帮助泽地人. 她说他在臨冬城不再需要她了;布兰 同意了并面无表情的感谢了她的帮助. 梅拉生气的质问这就是在他们经历过所有事情、在阿多夏天她弟弟玖健都为他而死后他所有想说的话.他说到他不再是真的布蘭·史塔克而是三眼烏鴉。他仍然記得布蘭·史塔克的生命和感受,但這時同時也記得其他人數個世紀以來的生命。 从前影响过 "布蘭·史塔克" 的一切现在看起来对布兰来说遥远而不重要 . 梅拉惊恐地喊道“布兰”在那个洞穴中 , 就在前任的 三眼烏鴉 把世世代代的绿先知全部共同的记忆传给他时,“死”了。

在布兰从塔上摔下的那段时间之后,随她的父亲,珊莎以及当时的国王劳勃·拜拉席恩的随从之前离开之后,艾莉亚·史塔克 终于回到了临冬城。艾莉亚骑马到大门口,从马上下来,她告诉守卫她是艾莉亚·史塔克,但守卫不信她,说艾莉亚·史塔克早死了好几年了。艾莉亚让他们转告大学士鲁温和羅德利克·凱索,说他们可以证明她的身份(她不知道他们已经去世了)。守卫想打发她走,说在这没听过这些名字。所以她让转告 囧诺,但守卫说他实际刚离开了临冬城。艾莉亚问那谁现在掌管临冬城,他们回答“史塔克夫人”(艾莉亚意识到是珊莎·史塔克)。守卫尽量想把它打发到一边,但是她凭着他刺客的反应闪开了他们。她坚持说,她总有办法进去的。他给守卫解释,如果她是 艾莉亚·史塔克,他们会因此引来不少麻烦,如果她不是,她不会在临冬城 逗留这么久的。守卫有些担心,最后同意让她尽到院子里,但要她呆在原地不要动,在他们去传唤史塔克夫人 的时候,来反驳她的身份。他们刚转过身,她就不见了。两个守卫去通知珊莎,他们尽力让她不用理会,就是某个冒充者,但珊莎立马意识到一定是艾莉亚,也知道他去了哪里。

珊莎果真找到了艾莉亞,在地窖,艾莉亞正仰头凝视着他们父亲的石像。见了面看到对方都很高兴,但过去几年她们都经历了很多事情,开始还有些不知所措,不知道怎么开口。艾莉亞问她现在需不需要称呼她 史塔克夫人,珊莎说“要”,然后都笑了。他们欣慰地笑着抱在一起,但仍然有丝丝不确定。艾莉亞提到囧诺然她掌管,然有笑了笑,珊莎说她希望囧诺尽早回来,他既惊讶又兴奋看到艾莉亞,想到她们相聚的时候雪诺的反应。姐妹俩然后凝望着他们父亲死灰的石像。艾莉亞说石像一点也不像他。珊莎平静地说熟悉他面容的人都死。艾莉亞说没有。


珊莎带艾莉亚到神木林去找布兰,布兰正在魚梁木 心樹旁边沉思。看布兰的样子,艾莉亚很伤心。看到艾莉亚,布兰仍然保持很平静,他说他并不惊讶艾莉亚还活着,因为他“看到”她在十字路口客棧。艾莉亚皱眉疑惑,珊莎解释说布兰现在拥有“綠先知”。 布兰说他以为艾莉亚回去君临城,珊莎疑惑问她那么多地方为什么要去君临城。布兰说因为瑟曦在她的名字列表上,者有一次惊到了她们俩,因为若果通过正常的途经他是不会知道这些的。珊莎问还有谁在她的麦子列表上,但艾莉亚说除了瑟曦大部分都已经死了。




之后,布蕾妮和波德瑞克要进行了一场激烈的剑术练习。一陣酣鬥之後,布蕾妮將過度拘泥步伐的波德瑞克踢倒在地. 出乎意料的, 艾莉亚 介入了爭鬥並表示想和擊敗桑鐸·克里岡的 布蕾妮 較量一翻。而這時 珊莎和小指头 剛好在上方的走廊上悄悄的看著。开始布蕾妮下手很轻,但身负西利歐·佛瑞爾所教水舞者剑术,又经过無面者训练的艾莉亚完全占了上风。看到小女孩如此出色,布蕾妮便不再有所保留,二人的剑斗愈发激烈。布蕾妮把艾莉亚手中的缝衣针击落,但后者改用带在腰间的瓦雷利亚钢匕首。艾莉亚以速度和敏捷来对付布蕾妮的力量和身量,直到布蕾妮的蛮力终于命中目标,将艾莉亚踢倒在地,剑锋指上她脖颈。但艾莉亚的匕首此时也抵住布蕾妮,两人最终打成平手。布蕾妮问艾莉亞 谁给教她这样打斗,艾莉亚回答"No One". 两人都给对方留下了深刻的印象。艾莉亞告辞了布蕾妮,而珊莎则惊疑自己的妹妹如何学到这般高的致命技艺。艾莉亞抬头看了一眼珊莎身旁同样惊讶的小指头。


冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四




Now that the Lannisters' old debts will be mostly paid off, and the Iron Bank's faith in them somewhat reassured by their recent military victories, Cersei wants to take out new loans to strengthen her position in the war, so she can finish securing control over the rest of the continent. They discuss that 瑟曦想用這些錢來僱傭兵來提昇蘭尼斯特的軍事實力。Specifically, she reveals that she has had 科本 make overtures to hire the best and largest private mercenary army in all of the 自由貿易城邦: the 黃金團. 泰楚 assures her that the Iron Bank will be delighted to help her with these future endeavors, once it receives the gold she is bringing them.


冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

What happened between 彌桑黛 and 灰蟲子? "Many things".

在 龍石島, 丹妮莉絲·坦格利安 和 彌桑黛在去海滩的路上遇见了 瓊恩·雪諾. 彌桑黛很担心 灰蟲子 因为他们还没有收到从凱岩城传回的任何消息.丹妮莉絲问她和灰蟲子发生了什么,彌桑黛微笑地说 "很多事情" . 琼恩 带着丹妮莉絲参观岛上一个被废弃很久的瓦雷利亚人的 龍晶矿山( 山姆威爾·塔利 指引他的).矿山非常古老,是远在瓦雷利亚人到达龍石島之前先民建造的.但这并不是琼恩带丹妮莉絲来这的原因.

As they proceed deeper into the mines led by torchlight, Jon shows her cave paintings they discovered left behind by the 森林之子, filled with arcane Magic symbols. Daenerys is stunned that the mythical Children stood where they are standing now, thousands upon thousands of years ago, long before mankind ever arrived in 維斯特洛. Jon says this isn't exactly true, leading her into another chamber, this one filled with narrative drawings of the Children and the 先民. Daenerys wonders if the Children and 先民 fought each other, but Jon then shows her ancient carvings of the 異鬼 themselves, one of which Jon recognizes as an image of the 夜王 himself. Jon explains that the 森林之子 and the 先民 only managed to drive off the 異鬼 the first time during the Long Night because they chose to join together to fight off their own extinction, and that is the choice between Jon and Daenerys now.

Jon still wants Daenerys to ally with him despite not submitting the North to her rule. He insists that the North won't accept a southern ruler again after everything that has happened to them. Daenerys urges that they will if their king does. If his point in showing her the cave drawings was that she should swallow her pride and ally with him because the 異鬼 are such a world-ending threat, by the same token, the North should submit to her, because their survival should outweigh their pride.

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

Hearing of the military disaster at the Fall of 高庭, Daenerys and her allies argue about what to do next.

As they exit the cave to the beach, they are joined by 瓦里斯 and Tyrion, with grave looks on their faces. They inform her that the 無垢者 succeeded in capturing 凱岩城, only to then reveal the disaster which just occurred at 高庭 as Tyrion's military strategy fell apart. 凱岩城 was only a feint and the Lannisters didn't bother defending it, in order to make a surprise attack south which 高庭. Daenerys is furious and struggles to keep her temper, as now all three of her major allies in 維斯特洛 are gone and all she has gained is a castle with no supplies. She snaps at Tyrion, blaming his cautious strategy for losing them 多恩, the 鐵群島 (阿莎·葛雷喬伊的力量 forces), and now 河灣地. She then accuses Tyrion of wanting to use a light hand against the Lannisters because they're his own people. Tyrion insists that they still have just enough ships left to at least shuttle the Dothraki from 龍石島 to the nearby mainland coast; even with the loss of all her other allies, her combined 無垢者/Dothraki forces are still the largest single army in 維斯特洛. Daenerys fumes that her vast numbers are useless if she can't feed them all (the Lannisters raided 河灣地's food stores as well). Daenerys decides she has had enough of clever plans, and will use the Dothraki and her 龍 in a direct assault to turn the tide of the war back in her favor. She desires to assault the 紅堡 with all three of her dragons, intending to raze it to the ground with all her enemies inside it, but Jon argues against such a course of action when she asks him his opinion; by bringing dragons back to life and breaking the back of the slave trade, Daenerys has proven she might be capable of doing things differently. However, if she uses her dragons in a similar fashion, to "melt castles and burn cities", she will be no different from any of the more tyrannical of her Targaryen ancestors who came before her.

Later, Jon and 戴佛斯·席渥斯 proceed back up to the castle. Davos remarks that Jon seems somewhat attracted to Daenerys, but though Jon says Daenerys has a good heart, he brushes Davos' observation aside, saying he doesn't have time for that as he has seen the 夜王 and his horde of the undead. Jon stresses that they need to ally with Daenerys, because 北境 itself is largely depleted of soldiers after so many years of war (and the 紅色婚禮), so they only have maybe 10,000 soldiers or less left (to which Davos corrects "fewer").

They then run into 彌桑黛 again, and politely enquires why Jon's surname is "Snow" even though 史塔克家族 has ruled the North for centuries, and his father Ned and brother Robb both had the surname "Stark", while he doesn't. Jon and Davos explain to her the system of regional surnames used in 維斯特洛 for 私生子 children of the nobility. 彌桑黛 doesn't know what they mean, so they literally explain that Jon's parents weren't married. Davos asks if they have similar customs for bastards on 納斯島 island where 彌桑黛 is from (off the coast of 索斯羅斯). Quizzically, 彌桑黛 explains that "Marriage" as such does not exist in 納斯島, so she finds the idea of a "bastard" to be quite an alien concept. Davos remarks that it sounds liberating.

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

Jon is upset at seeing Theon again, but lets him live because of what Theon did for Sansa.

While they are stil on the beach, they see a lone 鐵種 ship approaching the island, a survivor of 阿莎·葛雷喬伊's fleet. 席恩·葛雷喬伊 himself and some of his men come to shore on a rowboat. As Theon disembarks, he is stunned to see 瓊恩·雪諾 and doesn't know what to say, since he hasn't seen Jon since before he left 臨冬城 to join the 守夜人 at the start of the series, long before Theon's betrayal of Robb and the 臨冬城 garrison, and before Theon's imprisonment and torture by 拉姆斯·波頓. Jon is stunned for a moment as well. Theon walks up to Jon and asks him if Sansa is safe, prompting a furious Jon to angrily grab him by his coat and shake him. Jon tells Theon that what he did to save Sansa is the only reason that he isn't killing him on the spot and releases him. Visibly relieved, Theon informs them that 攸倫·葛雷喬伊 attacked their fleet and took Yara prisoner. He says he has returned to ask Daenerys' help in saving her, only for Jon to tell him that Daenerys has just left. Jon leaves, and the dejected Theon is once again left ashamed of all his past failures.

In 河灣地

At 高庭, 詹姆·蘭尼斯特 coordinates the soldiers loading up the spoils of war for transport. The sack of 高庭 allowed them to seize all of 提利爾家族's substantial gold stores, which they send ahead to 君臨 first, before moving on to securing grain shipments. Jaime procures a large bag of gold coins and gives it to 波隆 as payment for his services. Bronn, however, is annoyed that this isn't the full reward he was promised, which included a wife from the nobility and a castle. He then half-seriously asks why Jaime doesn't just grant him 高庭, as they need someone to rule it. Jaime waves this aside by saying they don't actually intend to hold 高庭 for long; it would be difficult for Bronn of all people to rule over hostile territory, and the war isn't over yet, so at this point he thinks Bronn should be satisfied with a more portable sack of gold than a castle he'll have trouble defending. Bronn, however, is not amused.

Some time later, Jaime's Lannister army has advanced much farther east along the 玫瑰大道, in the northeast of 河灣地, close to the town of 騰石鎮. Lord 藍道·塔利 comes to Jaime and says they should hurry to get all of their grain wagons over the 黑水河 to 君臨 on the northern side, as they will be vulnerable if their formation is caught on both sides of the river. Jaime agrees, but Randyll suggests flogging the stragglers to motivate them. Jaime urges that his soldiers fought well at 高庭, however, and he should at least give them a fair warning first instead of launching right into the flogging. Jaime and Bronn then encounter Randyll's son 狄肯·塔利 again. Jaime asks what he thought of his first taste of battle, and he nervously claims it was glorious, only to then dejectedly admit that he was quite conflicted. 塔利家族 had been loyal vassals of the Tyrells for generations; he knew many of the men they killed, even hunted side by side with them. Jaime earnestly advises the young man that the guilt is not his but 奧蓮娜·雷德溫's; she was the one who chose to side with Daenerys's foreign army against Queen Cersei, so it is truly Olenna's fault they died. Dickon himself wasn't involved with the decision making process on either side so he shouldn't dwell on it. Dickon then outright confesses that the aftermath was horrible, particularly the stench of corpses. Bronn playfully taunts that Dickon, a sheltered nobleman, finally learned that men empty their bowels when they die.

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

Daenerys's huge 多斯拉克人 horde descends on Jaime's Lannister army.

The Lannister army and wagon train continue east, approaching the 曼德河 river. Jaime and Bronn are then surprised to hear what sounds like distant thunder, until they realize it must be approaching cavalry. Jaime and Randyll shout for their soldiers to form up, which they manage to do before the enemy crests over the horizon: a massive, 100,000-strong horde of 多斯拉克人 cavalry. Bronn advises that Jaime ride ahead to 君臨, but Jaime insists he will not abandon his men. Bronn bluntly tells him the Dothraki will quickly overwhelm the Lannister lines and Jaime is too valuable as a commander to stay and fight, but Jaime insists that they have a chance if they hold.

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The mobile Dothraki light cavalry race through the hole made in the Lannster lines to start enveloping them.

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

Lannister heavy infantry rally around Jaime and Randyll, and a fierce melee insues.

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

Daenerys switches to making strafing runs with her dragon, across the Lannister formations.

At that moment, they hear a roar not heard on the battlefields of 維斯特洛 in over a century and a half, and look above the approaching Dothraki to see a huge adult Dragon heading straight for their lines: 卓耿, ridden by 丹妮莉絲·坦格利安 herself. Drogon outpaces the Dothraki, and at Daenerys's command "Dracarys", he blasts a torrent of fire through the Lannister ranks in a straight line from front to back, punching a hole in their formation. The highly mobile Dothraki light cavalry immediately sweep through it and wheel around to catch those parts of the Lannister lines in an enveloping move.

The Lannister-Tarly lines around Jaime and Randyll, however, manage to rally under their leadership. The Dothraki charge into the Lannister lines head-on, but meet stiff resistance as their spear wall holds firm. Though they are outnumbered, the Lannister soldiers are better armed heavy infantry, highly disciplined and battle-hardened veterans from years of war. Dothraki horse-archers let off shots before charging into their ranks, but highly-trained Tarly archers return fire, doing as much if not more damage, as the Dothraki wear less armor.

The Lannister army holds their line for a time, but their enemy has the advantage of weight in numbers, and the tide turns slowly against them. For a moment it looks like Jaime might at least be able to force the Dothraki to a standstill - but then Daenerys wheels out of the air again, devastating the Lannister formations. No longer trying to punch mere holes through their lines, she switches to outflanking the Lannister ranks, burning a vast horizontal swath of men from left to right, obliterating much of the Lannister wagon train in the process. Men are flash-burned into nothing but ash which crumbles to the touch, or cooked alive in their own superheated armor as they struggled to rip it off, dousing themselves in the river.

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Jaime rallies Lannister & Tarly archers to shoot volleys at the dragon, but in vain.

Nonetheless, Jaime manages to rally his remaining forces a second time, desperately taking command of a group of surviving Lannister and Tarly archers and directing them to concentrate their fire at the dragon: Drogon might not be vulnerable to common arrow fire, but his rider is. If they can manage to kill Daenerys herself, who has risked appearing in open battle, the entire war could end in a day, no matter their losses. Daenerys sees the attack coming, however, and banks Drogon up so the arrow volley harmlessly bounces off the armored scales on his belly. He then blasts the archer formations with fire. Jaime avoids the flames and is surrounded by enemies, but he manages to carve a path through the Dothraki with his 瓦雷利亞鋼 sword Widow's Wail to try to reach safety. He nearly gets attacked by a Dothraki from behind at one point, but 狄肯·塔利 kills the Dothraki first, saving him.

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

波隆 loads up the anti-dragon scorpion, and takes aim at Daenerys.

Even then all is not lost; Jaime commands Bronn to reach 科本's anti-dragon scorpion-bolt launcher (as Jaime cannot fire it one-handed). Bronn fights his way back, killing several Dothraki until one cuts off his horse's leg and sends him sprawling, losing his large bag of gold in the process. Bronn continues to fight his way back on foot, chased by the same Dothraki warrior, who follows him into the wagon he was looking for, just in time to stare down the business-end of the loaded scorpion that Bronn fires into him, flinging him twenty feet and pinning his corpse to another wagon. Bronn reloads the scorpion as fast as he can (which is meant to be crewed by a team of men), spots the dragon in the distance, and fires, but misses. Daenerys is startled by the scorpion-bolt flying a few feet from her head, scans the battlefield, and spots Bronn on the scorpion as he reloads.

Daenerys then leads Drogon on a direct charge diving straight down at Bronn on the scorpion launcher, who waits for her to approach close enough that he hopefully won't miss but before she is right on top of him. He fires another shot, this time hitting Drogon's right shoulder. The mighty dragon lets out an awful screech and collapses in shock, helplessly dropping into a free-fall from hundreds of feet in the air.

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Only receiving a flesh wound from the scorpion bolt in his shoulder, Drogon roasts the scorpion as Bronn jumps away.

The surviving Lannister soldiers cheer, only for Daenerys to quickly break Drogon out of his fall right before they hit the ground, which would have killed them both. The now enraged dragon hovers for a moment, and angrily sends a fire-blast at the scorpion, destroying it a matter of seconds after Bronn narrowly jumps out of the way to safety.

The dragon's armored scales are so tough that the scorpion bolt only managed to cause superficial damage. Nonetheless the flesh wound grounds him, and he howls in pain and fury, destroying any masses of enemy soldiers that get near him. Daenerys dismounts and desperately tries to remove the scorpion bolt.

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

The battle turns into an utter rout, as the Lannister army is overwhelmed by the Dothraki and dragon-fire.

By this point, the devastation caused by the dragon and the sheer number of Dothraki have totally overwhelmed the Lannister lines, and with the scorpion destroyed, their last hope is gone and the battle turns into an utter rout and massacre. 提利昂·蘭尼斯特 views the battle from the distance of a nearby hill, along with the Dothraki commander Qhono, who remarks that Tyrion's people can't fight. Tyrion looks gravely on the battlefield, realizing that these are in fact his own countrymen from the Westerlands and 蘭尼斯特家族 being massacred. Many burning and dying men rush to the river to try to extinguish the flames.

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

詹姆·蘭尼斯特 makes a death-run at Daenerys and her downed dragon, charging through the devastation of the battlefield.

冰 與 火 之 歌 第 七 季 第 四

Jaime reaches Daenerys, but her dragon notices him an instant before he can kill her.

Jaime, however, sees that Daenerys is grounded and immobilized, and realizes he still has one chance; if he can kill Daenerys, even now, he can end her invasion. Jaime grabs a spear and charges his horse across the flaming battlefield to make a death-run for Daenerys as she tends to her dragon. Tyrion swears under his breath, calling his brother a "fucking idiot", angry that he's going to get himself killed.

当詹姆就要接近龙母的时候, 这时,龙【卓耿】在混乱中注意到了詹姆,把丹妮莉丝护在身后,朝着詹姆喷出了龙焰,但是这个时候波隆突然冲了出来,将詹姆从马上扑到了一边,把他从死亡救了出来,两个人都掉进了水里,詹姆被胳膊的重量带入水底,又陷入溺水的危险。


Main: The Spoils of War/Appearances


  • 亨克
  • Koner


  • 許多不知姓名的 蘭尼斯特士兵
  • 許多不知姓名的 塔利士兵
  • 許多不知姓名的 多斯拉克人戰士




  • Peter Dinklage as 提利昂·蘭尼斯特
  • Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as 詹姆·蘭尼斯特
  • Lena Headey as 瑟曦·蘭尼斯特
  • Emilia Clarke as丹妮莉絲·坦格利安
  • Kit Harington as 瓊恩·雪諾
  • Aidan Gillen as 培提爾·貝里席
  • Liam Cunningham as 戴佛斯·席渥斯
  • Sophie Turner as 珊莎·史塔克
  • Maisie Williams as 艾莉亞·史塔克
  • Nathalie Emmanuel as 彌桑黛
  • Conleth Hill as 瓦里斯
  • Jerome Flynn as 波隆
  • Alfie Allen as 席恩·葛雷喬伊
  • Gwendoline Christie as 塔斯的布蕾妮
  • Isaac Hempstead-Wright as 布蘭·史塔克

Guest Starring

  • James Faulkner as 藍道·塔利
  • Tom Hopper as 狄肯·塔利
  • Ellie Kendrick as 梅拉·黎德
  • Mark Gatiss as 泰楚·奈斯托斯
  • Brendan Cowell as Harrag
  • Daniel Portman as 波德瑞克·派恩
  • Danny Kirrane as 亨克
  • Joseph Quinn as Koner
  • Staz Nair as Qhono
  • Breige Roche as
  • Eamon Keenan as 史塔克士兵
  • Darren Playford as 史塔克士兵


  • 22的主要角色中的15個登場。
  • 主要角色中Carice van Houten (梅麗珊卓), John Bradley (山姆威爾·塔利), Hannah Murray (吉莉), Kristofer Hivju (托蒙德), Rory McCann (桑鐸·克里岡), Iain Glen (喬拉·莫爾蒙)和Joe Dempsie (詹德利) 未在本集登場。



  • The episode title is a reference to the spoils seized following the Fall of 高庭.
  • The 舊鎮 and 桑鐸·克里岡 storylines do not appear in this episode. 艾莉亞·史塔克 returns to 臨冬城, her storyline merging back in with that one.
    • In a post-episode interview after "Stormborn", writer Bryan Cogman stated that the way the producers conceptualized Season 7, after so many other seasons split amongst half a dozen disparate storylines, is that it is centered around three "axis" points, or sets of characters: 君臨, 龍石島, and 臨冬城, plus a side-adventure with Samwell at 舊鎮. 君臨 includes Jaime when he's in 河灣地, 阿莎·葛雷喬伊 was part of the 龍石島 storyline even in her battle on the 狹海, etc. The key point is that they used to conceptualize of it as the "Arya storyline", the "Stannis storyline", etc. In Season 7, Arya doesn't reach 臨冬城 in this episode, but it's broadly titled as part of the "臨冬城" storyline more than the "Arya storyline" at this point, as it merges back in with that.[2]
  • Both Cersei and 彌桑黛 refer to the eastern continent across the 狹海 from 維斯特洛 by name as "厄斯索斯", making this only the sixth episode to do so in nearly seven full TV seasons (after "Stormborn" two episodes ago). 厄斯索斯 is so large that people usually refer to major regions of it, such as "the 自由貿易城邦s" or "奴隸灣".
  • With a runtime of only 50 minutes, this is actually one of the shortest episodes in the entire TV series so far - particularly notable given that most episodes in Season 7 have been extra-length compared to prior seasons, due to the altered format of a shorter episode count.


  • The 瓦雷利亞鋼 dagger from Season 1 returns, which the Catspaw assassin tried to kill Bran with ("The Kingsroad"). Catelyn brought it south to 君臨 to try to find its owner, then left it with Ned, and it was last seen on Ned's desk in the Tower of the Hand when Littlefinger was idly eying it while discussing that Cersei's children were all actually bastards of incest. Littlefinger betrayed Ned in the throne room soon afterwards, and the dagger was never seen again in the TV show - presumably, Littlefinger just picked it up again from Ned's chambers, given that it is a very valuable blade.
    • The dagger originally belonged to Littlefinger, but he lost it in a bet on a joust. He deliberately tells Catelyn that he lost it to Tyrion, in order to turn the Starks and Lannisters against each other; that was the purpose he hoped to achieve by making Lysa write her sister about 瓊恩·艾林's death, falsely blaming the Lannisters. In the books, Catelyn finds out too late that Littlefinger lied - he lost it to Robert. 
    • In the books, during the brawl in the throne room, Littlefinger snatches the dagger from Ned and holds it to his throat. In the show he acts the same, but it is not clear which dagger it is.
    • Bran refuses to accept the dagger for the same reason Jaime refuses to accept Oathkeeper in the books - a cripple has no use for such weapon. Bran's rejection is rather stoic, while Jaime reacted furiously, thinking it was a cruel jape of his father.
  • Actor John Bradley-West (山姆威爾·塔利) explained in interviews that in the Season 7 premiere, when Sam is reading a book, he was specifically instructed to linger on a detailed sketch of the 瓦雷利亞鋼 dagger - as this was apparently intended to remind the audience about it. Given that there are less than 200 surviving 瓦雷利亞鋼 blades in 維斯特洛 it isn't unusual that there might be a codex somewhere containing a listing of all of them.
  • As of this episode, the current list of named characters in the TV series who possess 瓦雷利亞鋼 weapons, which are capable of killing 異鬼, are:
    • 瓊恩·雪諾 - wielding Longclaw
    • 山姆威爾·塔利 - wielding Heartsbane
    • 詹姆·蘭尼斯特 - wielding Widow's Wail (forged from Ned's sword Ice)
    • 塔斯的布蕾妮 - wielding Oathkeeper (forged from Ned's sword Ice)
    • 艾莉亞·史塔克 - wielding the 瓦雷利亞鋼 dagger
  • 布蘭·史塔克 quotes back the phrase "Chaos is a ladder" to Littlefinger, which he used in a speech he gave to Varys in Season 3's "The Climb", explaining that he doesn't have one vast plan like Varys does, so much as he stirs up trouble then seizes on the opportunities the resulting chaos creates.
  • Littlefinger tries to manipulate Bran against Jon by addressing him as "Lord Stark", but Bran repeats that he isn't going to be a lord of anything.
  • Bran explains that Maester 沃肯 built him his new wheelchair so he can get around (as opposed to when he was a small boy who had 阿多 to carry him around in a saddle). Meera didn't know what it was: wheelchairs are uncommon but not unknown in 維斯特洛. Apparently they are only occasionally used by members of the nobility who lose their mobility and can afford them (and not to have to perform manual labor, etc.). 道朗·馬泰爾 also had a wheelchair in Season 5 (it's unclear if they re-used the prop). In the books, it is explained in more detail that Doran has a "wheeled chair" that his maester constructed so he can get around despite his crippled feet. Presumably, as trained healers who serve the nobility, maesters would have some training or knowledge in how to make such wheelchairs.
  • 艾莉亞·史塔克 returns to 臨冬城 for the first time since leaving in the second episode of Season 1. She doesn't know that Maester 魯溫 and 羅德利克·凱索 are dead, because they were both killed in Season 2 - after she fled 君臨 and was on the run in 河間地, out of communication with wider events in 維斯特洛.
  • The two guards at the gates of 臨冬城 not believing Arya when she says she lives in the castle is a callback to Season 1, when she slipped out of the 紅堡 in 君臨 through the secret tunnels, then tried to come back in through the front gate, but the guards didn't know her so they didn't believe her when she said she lived in the castle.
  • Arya switches to a Stark-style costume after returning to 臨冬城.
  • The last time that Maisie Williams (Arya) and Sophie Turner (Sansa) had a scene together was in Season 1 episode 6 "A Golden Crown", when Ned Stark is warning them that they have to leave soon, Sansa protests her love for Joffrey, but then Arya says that Joffrey is nothing like King Robert - inadvertently spurring Ned to check back in the lineage book, and realizing that Joffrey isn't really Robert's son. They were in the same episode once again after that in episode 9 "Baelor" when Ned was executed, but they were never on-screen at the same time (Sansa was up with Cersei, Joffrey, and Ned on the steps of the Great Sept, while Arya was hiding below in the crowd of commoners).
  • Bran's vast amount of new memories, more than a normal human mind can normally handle, have made him emotionally detached from humanity. This is probably pure coincidence, because it seems this will happen to Bran in the novels, but just recently before Season 7, Maisie Williams (Arya) had a recurring role in the British science fiction series Doctor Who, in which she played a human girl who (through gaining immortality) had so many centuries' worth of memories that she couldn't remember them all, because it was more than the human mind can handle, and she similarly became emotionally detached from the rest of humanity, realizing how transient their lives are.
  • Meera reminds Bran that Jojen Reed, 夏天(冰原狼) and 阿多 died for him ("The Children", "The Door").
  • Arya recalls hearing that Joffrey died, and was sorry she did not kill him herself ("Mockingbird").
  • Arya states that Brienne defeated the Hound ("The Children").
  • Sansa believes that Jon will be even more pleased to see Arya again than her. In the novels, Jon and Arya had a very close relationship, which was among the closest relationships of the Stark children.
    • This may also be a meta-narrative joke: Sansa remarks on how happy Jon was to see her, and he'll be even happier to see Arya. The TV production team has often remarked on how they considered non-verbal emoting of desperate joy that Kit/Jon and Sophie/Sansa had when they reunited to be one of the top highlights out of all of Season 6.
  • With Arya's return, all the surviving Starks have returned to 臨冬城 (though Jon left again before the other two arrived).
  • It's brought up that Sansa is being called "Lady Stark" now as the ranking Stark left to rule 臨冬城. This brings up an issue about formal titles: when a new royal dynasty is created, either through civil war or an independence movement, the siblings of the new monarch have sometimes assumed the titles of "Prince" or "Princess", but at other times not. When 勞勃·拜拉席恩 seized the鐵王座, his younger brothers Stannis and Renly explicitly did not assume the title "Prince". After 羅柏·史塔克 declared himself 北境之王, however, in both books and TV series, his younger brothers Bran and Rickon assumed the title "Prince". Bran should still be a "Prince" now that their independence movement has been revived again. Sansa and Arya technically gained the title "Princess", but both weren't in a position to claim it in book/Season 2: Sansa was a prisoner of the Lannisters who refused to acknowledge Robb's legitimacy as a rebel, while Arya was on the run in 河間地 and hiding her identity. Presumably, all three of them should be using the titles "Prince" or "Princess" now, but it hasn't come up in dialogue so far this season.
  • Arya brings up her kill list, that Cersei is on it, but most of the rest are dead by now (in the TV version). At this point, the only people who seem to be left on it are actually 瑟曦·蘭尼斯特, 格雷果·克里岡, and Ilyn Payne. She briefly put some of the 無旗兄弟會 and 梅麗珊卓 on it in Season 3 for taking 詹德利 (which doesn't happen in the novels), but she later dropped them from it by Season 4 (probably because others had done worse, and after all, Gendry came to no lasting harm). She actually never put Littlefinger on the list, in the books or TV series, because she was never aware of how directly involved he was in the betrayal of her father. Meanwhile, the TV series has at times left 伊林·派恩off the list, probably due to concerns that he will not reappear (his actor developed terminal pancreatic cancer in Season 2, but then near-miraculously recovered after experimental surgery).
    • As of the current books (plus a sample chapter from the next), four people remain on Arya's kill list: Dunsen (one of the Mountain's men), Cersei, Ilyn Payne, and Meryn Trant (the TV show condensed this, the man she kills in 布拉佛斯 in the books is another of the Mountain's men, called Raff the Sweetling).  
  • Arya seems displeased to hear that Littlefinger is in 臨冬城. It is unclear why: similarly to Jon, she has no idea about the full extent of Littlefinger's treachery, and about his role in her father's downfall in particular, even though (unlike Jon) she was in 君臨 at that time; otherwise, she would have added him long ago to her death list, and probably killed him without delay as soon as she saw him in 臨冬城. She did see him working as Tywin's advisor at 赫倫堡 in Season 2 (a scene invented for the TV series), but even so, other people work for the Lannisters that she didn't feel the need to add to her kill list. Similarly, as the TV writers pointed out, she didn't try to kill Jaime in the Season 6 finale in part because she never added him to her list (he wasn't in 君臨 when her father was betrayed and killed).
  • Arya's sparring match with Brienne mirrors both Arya's brief sparring with 桑鐸·克里岡 in Season 4, and Brienne's tournament melee duel with 洛拉斯·提利爾 in Season 2 - also, for that matter, 奧柏倫·馬泰爾's duel with 格雷果·克里岡 in Season 4, 喬拉·莫爾蒙 versus the Dothraki bloodrider Qotho in Season 1, and also a somewhat meta-example in Season 5 when 達里奧·納哈裡斯 is watching the gladiatorial games in the fighting pits of ?彌林 and remarks on the contrasting fighting styles of when a large fighter with brute strength is faced by a smaller but faster and more agile opponent. In most of these cases, the larger fighter eventually wins as soon as they have one opportunity to bring their full strength to bear. Arya used water dance moves to move around the slow but armored Sandor, who ultimately pinned her sword against his armor then punched her (not out of malice but to teach her the point that armor may slow a man down, but for a reason). Similarly, Jorah wore heavy armor against the unarmored Qotho, who was faster, but ultimately pinned Qotho's arakh against his armor, then killed him with a single sword strike. Brienne herself fought the highly skilled洛拉斯·提利爾 - by no means small but relative to her huge size - and finished their match by simply tackling him to the ground with brute force. In the gladiator arena, Daario said he thought it was interesting when the smaller but faster fighter was able to outmaneuver a larger man, though admittedly that only happens about one times out of ten - at which, as if on cue, the larger gladiator decapitated the smaller and faster one with a single swing of his sword. In this episode, Arya outmaneuvers Brienne with speed and agility (and lands what could have been killing blows if she wanted them to be) much as she did Sandor, until Brienne - much like Sandor did, and in her own match with Loras - brought her greater brute force to bear with a heavy kick.
    • The contrast between speed and raw power is an issue brought up to an extent in the battle scene in this episode: the Dothraki cavalry are highly mobile but lightly armored, while the badly outnumbered Lannister heavy infantry perform reasonably well against them for a time, until the Dothraki start outflanking them (and then Daenerys brings her own brute force to bear by attacking their lines with a dragon).


  • The 黃金團 is a major subplot from the later books in the 冰與火之歌 series, up until now thought abandoned by the TV series. Apparently it will now appear in some condensed form. Their subplot is filled with major spoilers for the books, which will not be repeated in this article.
    • The 黃金團 actually was introduced previously in the live-action TV continuity, twice before, both back in Season 4: after Joffrey died, in "Breaker of Chains" Davos thought this meant Stannis should make a renewed offensive against the Lannisters, but he scoffed that he had no substantial army left to make such an offensive with. Davos then suggested that they could then try to hire sellsword armies from the 自由貿易城邦s, such as the 黃金團, but Stannis equally dismissed that he also didn't have any gold left to hire such expensive mercenaries with. In "Mockingbird", 喬拉·莫爾蒙 remarked to Daenerys that he doesn't trust 達里奧·納哈裡斯 because he is a sellsword, but Daenerys counters that Jorah himself fought in sellsword companies before entering the service of her brother Viserys, including some time in which he served in the 黃金團. That hasn't been specifically mentioned in the books, though Jorah did generally say that he drifted between various sellsword companies for several years after he first fled into exile from 維斯特洛.
    • As Davos said in Season 4, the 黃金團 is the best and largest sellsword company in the 自由貿易城邦s, with 10,000 well-equipped and highly trained men - essentially a moderately sized private army for hire. In the books, it is specified that the 黃金團 currently consists of about 1,000 cavalry, 1,000 archers, and 8,000 infantry. About 50 of their archers are Summer Islanders, whose people are considered the best archers in the known world (who wield great bows made of Goldenheart wood) - the overall commander of all 1,000 archers is actually also a Summer Islander, named Balaq. On top of this, the 黃金團 prominently fields a number of formidable war elephants.
    • In the books, the 黃金團 have their own motto of sorts: "Our word is good as gold". Their war-cry, however, is "Beneath the gold, the bitter steel!" in reference to their founder, a Blackfyre general called "Bittersteel" (Aegor Rivers, one of Aegon IV's Great Bastards). They have an excellent reputation and will always honor a contract once signed. They were founded by losing soldiers from the Blackfyre Rebellion who fled into exile in the 自由貿易城邦s, augmented over the generations by other sellswords, exiles, etc.
    • The books have never mentioned the 黃金團 being directly hired by the Iron Bank - though of course, people have often taken out loans from the bank to in turn pay them. Their contracts go both ways, however: once, Qohor refused to honor a contract it had made with them, so in response the 黃金團 turned on them and sacked the city.
  • Cersei clearly states in dialogue, for those only going by the TV series, that 維斯特洛 is "a continent", not just a country or a large island. Casual viewers sometimes mistake that it is a Britain-sized island. 喬治·R·R·馬丁 has stated that his inspiration was essentially to make a fantasy-British Isles...upscaled to roughly the size of a continent like South America.
  • 泰楚·奈斯托斯 says that Cersei is proving to be as cunning of a politician and military strategist as her father Tywin. She actually isn't, but this isn't a major invention of the TV series - his words should not be taken at face value as sincere, he's blatantly just trying to flatter Cersei with excessive praise (similarly, in prior episodes, he complimented her on destroying the Faith Militant as religious fanatics, but she realized he didn't remotely care about that, he'd lend money to religious fanatics so long as they pay him back).
  • Tycho's conversation with Cersei is similar to the conversation he had with 史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩 and 戴佛斯·席渥斯. He first used diplomatic words and then changed to direct facts when debts and loans were discussed ("The Laws of Gods and Men"). He also states that the Iron Bank does not engage in betting and/or gambling ("The Dance of Dragons").
    • Tycho repeats that the Iron Bank invests in people ("The Queen's Justice"). While the 維斯特洛 lords/ladys seen so far interpet the term investment as another word for gambling, Tycho may see the difference as a matter of long-term planning. Investment could be defined as researching the applicant's known resources (business credibility) and assets (territory). Seizing the person's mansion and lands will repay the debt.


  • Jon's argument that Daenerys should not burn 君臨 is ironic since Daenerys refused to burn the city after 艾拉莉亞·沙德 insisted that such an attack would end the war. Tyrion and Jon used the argument that burning the city would remind the Smallfolk of Aerys II Targaryen ("風暴降生").
  • The issue of the 龍晶 mine under 龍石島 island came up in prior episodes: Stannis told Samwell there was 龍晶 on the island back in Season 5, making it unclear why Samwell's discovery in 舊鎮's records was such a big revelation. Reading screenshots of the books Samwell was looking at, however, appear to explain the discrepancy: there is a long-abandoned main 龍晶 mine on the island, used by the ancient Valyrians and by the 先民 before that, which even the Valyrians considered the largest concentration of 龍晶 in the known world - literally a mountain of it, beneath the island. Apparently, the explanation is that Stannis and Davos knew that 龍晶 can be found on the volcanic island, just as loose rocks here and there, but even they never knew just how much 龍晶 was truly there - the mine was forgotten for generations.
    • The symbols that Jon and Daenerys see among the cave paintings are actually based on ones previously seen in the TV series. The 異鬼 arrange corpses in these symbolic patterns, and the flashbacks to their creation in Season 6 revealed that they are actually magical runes originally used by the 森林之子. The 魚梁木 tree where the 森林之子 created the first White Walker (the 夜王) was surrounded by a spiral pattern of stone monoliths. The spiral had seven spokes, spinning counterclockwise, and is seen on the cave wall. Also seen is a diamond shape bisected by a vertical line going through its top and bottom corners - this symbol was how the wildling corpses were arranged in the very first episode of Season 1.
    • As the cave carvings that Jon and Daenerys see in the 龍晶 cave depict events from the 長夜, they must be at least 8,000 years old.
    • The novels actually do contain descriptions of the 森林之子 leaving behind cave carvings. Specifically, this occurred in a preview chapter for the unreleased sixth novel, in which亞蓮恩·馬泰爾 (main POV narrator for 多恩, cut entirely from the TV show) and her companions, Elia Sand and Daemon Sand, discover some while they are taking shelter in a cave in the Mistwood of 風暴地, while heading north. These cave carvings are described as faces, many of them with sad expressions.
  • 彌桑黛 says that "We don't have marriage in 納斯島, so the concept of a bastard doesn't exist". This is an invention of the TV series, or seems to be - actually, nothing has been said in the novels about the societal patterns on 納斯島, one way or the other. So few characters appear from there (basically just 彌桑黛) that no married people have ever been mentioned. It is possible that the TV series is conflating 納斯島 with the Summer Islands, which neighbor it to the west, and which have a very "sex positive" society - but the Summer Islanders are described as having "marriage": characters are described as marrying - Chatana Qo, a warrior-princess, managed to unify the isles several thousand years ago, but this unification did not last long because while she was a good military leader, she "wed unwisely", leading to a political breakup. Not much is known about marriage in the Summer Isles - it's possible that they practice polygamy, or perhaps monogamy, but with sex outside of marriage common (like the Dornish paramours, or, frankly, like 勞勃·拜拉席恩). There also isn't any information from The World of Ice and Fire sourcebook describing marriage on 納斯島 - whether it exists or not. Patterns of Gender and Sexuality on 納斯島 are still unrevealed.
    • What little is known of 納斯島 is that its people are utter pacifists, due to their religious beliefs, and they will not resort to violence even to defend their persons from bodily harm. Their religion also forbids them from harming any living thing, to the point that they will not eat the flesh of any animal and are strict vegetarians. Other than that, 納斯島 used to be a major hub of the silk-producing industry, due to having a climate well-suited for insect life, but frequent slaver raids in the past few centuries have destroyed much of it.
    • Other regions of the world, such as even the 自由貿易城邦s, do not have a special system of surnames for 私生子 children, singling them out for shame (while still elevating them above commoners). It makes sense that 彌桑黛, as just a foreigner in general to 維斯特洛, would find this concept quite alien.
  • The point when Davos corrects Jon that he has "less" than 10,000 men left in the North, not "fewer" than 10,000 men, is of course a reference to how 史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩 used to correct the grammar of Davos (and anyone else) when they said "less" but the appropriate term was "fewer" ("Garden of Bones", "Kill the Boy").
  • Jon and Theon meet again for the first time since the Season 1 premiere (when they found the 冰原狼). In Season 2, with 臨冬城 surrounded, Theon told Maester 魯溫 he wouldn't take the option of joining the 守夜人 because Jon would probably kill him for his betrayal.
  • The TV series appears to be abruptly wrapping up several subplots, without a full explanation: Daenerys laments that all of her allies have been destroyed: Dorne, the 鐵群島 (Yara), and 河灣地. Yara's fleet was destroyed so this isn't an issue. The TV series largely glossed over how 河灣地 was subdued, given their large army and resources, even if Jaime managed to make a decapitation strike against 高庭 itself. Dorne, meanwhile, has simply no explanation: Ellaria and the 沙蛇s were attacked while on a fleet heading to Dorne to pick up the Dornish armies. Dorne's armies were thus not destroyed along with Yara's fleet. Dorne hasn't been blooded in the past years of war at all (similar to the Vale), so its armies should be at full strength. It is unknown who is even ruling Dorne at this point. Assuredly, Dorne's armies continue to "exist" despite the fact that Ellaria is captured. On top of this, the TV show already mentioned that there are five younger 沙蛇, all of them daughters of 奧柏倫·馬泰爾, who could potentially claim rule. The TV series might never provide an answer for this.


  • 波隆面露不爽,他理应得到答应他的与贵族的婚姻和一座城堡(第四季“知更鸟”,以及第五季“黑白家族”)。在书中,他实际这时候已经娶了洛里斯·斯卓科沃斯,电视剧中第五季把他和詹姆·兰尼斯特送到多恩去了。
    • 书中洛里斯·斯卓科沃斯的姐姐法里斯·斯卓科沃斯最终挑战波隆,让她比武审判,以骑马竞技的方式,她不知道波隆为了赢不在乎身份。波隆有意进攻对手的坐骑,从而赢了这次审判,尽管严格上不算犯规或者无效的举动,但被认为是不光彩的。这一集中,一个多斯拉克骑手和波隆对抗的时候,进攻波隆的马,割下的马腿,让他从马上摔下来。这个场景可以是映射书中波隆和斯卓科沃斯比武审判的经历。
    • 对于一个像波隆这样的佣兵,在得不到应有的酬劳时还能为兰尼斯特卖命实属异常(“知更鸟”中他因类似的理由拒绝为提利昂卖命。)但两个可能的原因,他们给他的那些酬劳(他确实得到了不少金子)并不是他实际想要的,他可能他们还是他进一步高攀的熊掌,考虑到看上去瑟曦当前赢得几率大。相反,知更鸟中提利昂身处不利,他帮他并赚不到什么。在丹妮莉丝这次胜利之后他会作何选择很期待,如果提利昂当面给他更多的金子。
  • 波隆半开玩笑地打趣说,詹姆应该把高庭作为酬劳给他,因为他的卖命。不确定这是不是有意映射,在Dance of the Dragons中Rhaenyra Targaryen提拔几个Dragonseeds|Targaryen bastards当了龙骑士,但是其中两个后来在战争中背叛了她,加入了她同父异母兄弟的那一边。他们换边的原因是,他们想要统治高庭和凱岩城。把贵族的城堡交给出身低下的,没被承认的杂种统治,在其他摧毁兰尼斯特和提利尔的所有贵族来看相当的无耻可气,所以雷妮拉拒绝了。他们一投靠另一边,也想要统治高庭和凱岩城。
  • 波隆提到早就没有总主教High Septon了。瑟曦在摧毁貝勒大聖堂一集中杀掉了High Sparrow,她一定也把大多数Faith of the Seven的大主教的命洗劫了(Most Devout,相当于枢机主教团)。当然瑟曦不会在任命一个总主教。这也就让人怀疑谁当前还在组织着Faith of the Seven。几个月来,瑟曦还没能控制河湾地,艾林谷甚至多恩。旧镇是七神信仰的古老的源头。也只是在一个半世纪前在它的主教头才搬到君临城的貝勒大聖堂。
    • 如果瑟曦摧毁主教堂在书中也发生的话,也很有可能,可能会有比这个更复杂的政治衰退。Faith Militant不只是君临城有,整个維斯特洛都有跟随者,所以他们不可能被他们领袖的被斩首就被摧毁。考虑到 提利尔军队或者艾拉莉亚被抓之后多恩的军队,电视剧可能不会进一步介绍。
  • In the books, Jaime's army does gather up the few remaining grain stores from 河間地 that still happen to be intact, while leading the [[Second Siege of 奔流城 (which happened in TV Season 6) - but with his new focus on his own honor, he made it a point to ensure that the farmers were given fair compensation (albeit with winter coming, food was going to be worth more than gold soon). In this episode, Jaime's army outright seizes grain stores from 河灣地 as spoils of war, even directing Bronn to help encourage resistant farmers to part with their stockpiles.
    • It is possible that Jaime paid them but just didn't mention it - the bigger issue was that they wouldn't sell out of loyalty to the Tyrells.
    • We don't know if the Lannisters will fight the Tyrells like this in the next novel, though it does seem likely that Cersei will blow up the Great Sept, which would result in that (whether they'll take 高庭 itself is another matter). Unlike 河間地, therefore, this campaign in 河灣地 is outright war, in which case Jaime seizing their grain stores may not be seen quite as dishonorably as seizing the grain of nominally loyal subjects in 河間地 who surrendered (even Lord Randyll doesn't shy away from seizing all the grain). Stealing the enemy's food stores often happens in wars - in the books, even 羅柏·史塔克's forces captured large herds of cattle during his campaign in the Westerlands.
  • Jaime calls 狄肯·塔利 the wrong name again, the first time being in "Stormborn" two episodes ago. In "Stormborn" he thought his name was "Rickard", and in this episode he guesses his name is "Rickon" - both of which are actually names from the Stark family (Ned's father and Ned's youngest son, respectively).
    • Dickon tells Bronn and Jaime that was his first battle. In the novels, 藍道·塔利 is among the Tyrell vassals that march in 藍禮·拜拉席恩's army, and Dickon accompanies him as a squire. Later, Randyll participates three battles - the Blackwater, Duskendale and Maidenpool (the latter two were omitted from the show); it is not mentioned whether Dickon also participated in those battles, or any battle..
    • Bronn brings up with 狄肯·塔利 that men void their bowels when they die, but all the songs about how glorious war is leave that part out. King 勞勃·拜拉席恩 previously mentioned this in Season 1 episode 3 "Lord Snow", when remarking that he killed a boy in the Battle of Summerhall (who was actually in service to 塔利家族), and how none of the romantic songs bring up how dead men shit themselves or the stench of it.
    • Bronn also mentions that he first found out that dead men shit themselves when he was five years old. Bronn has made sporadic mention throughout the TV series of having a very violent childhood.
  • In the Inside the Episode video, showrunner D.B. Weiss says of the battle between Daenerys and Jaime that it is "the first time we've ever had two sets of main characters on opposite sides of the battlefield, and it's impossible to really want any one of them to win and impossible to want any one of them to lose" - utterly ignoring that this is exactly how they also described the 黑水河之役 at the end of Season 2, in which Tyrion and 史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩 were on opposite sides of the battle, and it wasn't really clear which side the audience should be rooting for.
  • Jaime confirms in dialogue that 科本's special anti-dragon bolt launcher is called a "scorpion", apparently a very advanced one. This is as opposed to a "ballista". A ballista is a huge stationary weapon that needs to be constructed on-site (either as a siege weapon or a defensive weapon for a castle). A scorpion is smaller than a ballista (technically a kind of ballista), which can be carried by armies on the move and set up comparatively easily. An army couldn't easily carry a full-sized ballista with them, nor hope to set it up in enough time to fight off a suddenly appearing dragon. The difference between a ballista and a scorpion is somewhat like the scale difference between a trebuchet and a catapult. Both ballistas and scorpions are mentioned in the novels as siege engines used in 維斯特洛, but this is the first time a "scorpion" has been referred to as such in TV dialogue.
  • Jaime's desperate victory-or-death charge against Daenerys at the end of the battle is entirely within character for him: in Season 1, the TV show had to leave the Battle of the Whispering Wood off-screen for budgetary reasons (Jaime actually mentioned it by name to Olenna in the immediately preceding episode). The books describe what happened: when Jaime's cavalry were totally surrounded in an ambush and all hope of victory was lost, he spotted 羅柏·史塔克 himself on the battlefield, and much like this episode, made a desperate charge straight at him - thinking he still had a slim chance of ending the Northern rebellion then and there if he could kill Robb himself. A preternaturally skilled swordsman and considered one of the top two or three warriors in all of 維斯特洛, Jaime did manage to carve a path through Robb's bodyguards which killed many, but eventually their numbers overcame him and they piled on to him to take him alive.
  • The Battle of Tumbleton has seen the conclusion of both sides losing needed allies ever since the beginning of 丹妮莉絲·坦格利安's invasion of 維斯特洛.
    • 馬泰爾家族 and 提利爾家族 have been destroyed and the replacement leaders have not appeared. Daenerys has lost the Iron Fleet. Her 無垢者 are trapped at 凱岩城 and must march back.
    • The gold that 瑟曦·蘭尼斯特 needed to repay 泰楚·奈斯托斯 has been safely delivered to 君臨, but the combined army of 蘭尼斯特家族 and 塔利家族 has been decimated, with all the food supplies they obtained. 攸倫·葛雷喬伊 controls Cersei's navy and Cersei knows the Euron must not be trusted. Tycho may view the defeat of the Lannister army as evidence that Cersei has lost. Even if he hires the 黃金團, they may arrive too late. The hiring of a Mercenary army can backfire as Tyrion stated that the Martell and Tyrell army must seize 君臨 to avoid the appearance of a foreign invasion.
    • Daenerys and Cersei are facing the same problem, their reliance on foreign support (Iron Bank of 布拉佛斯, sellswords, 無垢者, Dothraki) will undermine their political credibility.
  • The tactics used by the Dothraki are a combination of the Battle of Qohor and the Field of Crows. The Dothraki directly charge the heavy infantry, but use encirclement tactics to exploit the Lannisters' weak points.
  • Jaime's comments to Bronn about Cersei's victory and reign are similiar to what he said to 奧蓮娜·雷德溫 in "The Queen's Justice". Once the war is won, people will accept the new leadership in exchange for stability. Bronn and Olenna commented on the chaos Cersei has been inflicting on the 七大王國.
  • It is the second time Drogon is injured, though not severely, following "The Dance of Dragons".
  • The battle between Drogon and the combined forces of 蘭尼斯特家族 and 河灣地 is reminiscent of the 怒火燎原, a pivotal and highly devastating battle during Aegon's Conquest in which 坦格利安家族 defeated Houses Lannister of the Westerlands and Gardener of 河灣地 using dragons, ending the Gardener line and making the Lannisters bend the knee to Aegon I.
    • It would have been more effective for Daenrys to use 卓耿, Rhaegal, and 韋賽利昂 for the battle. In "Battle of the Bastards", she used all 3 dragons during the Second Siege of ?彌林.
  • Jaime's botched attempt to kill Daenerys mirrors Jaime's slaying of Daenerys' father, the Mad King Aerys; although the set up, circumstances and location are different, the reasoning Jaime had for trying to kill Daenerys is very much similar to his reasoning for slaying Aerys: Jaime stabbed King Aerys in the back, recalling his last words "Burn them all!" as well as his infamy for burning his enemies alive. Above all, Jaime's main reason for killing Aerys was due to the 野火 plot, which Jaime spoke about to Brienne ("Kissed by Fire") in Season 3, that would have killed the entire population of 君臨 of half a million people. During this episode, Jaime witnessed Drogon burn his soldiers upon the battlefield - which mirrors the 怒火燎原, a pivotal battle that ended the War of Conquest - and Daenerys attempted to help Drogon on the ground after the dragon was injured. Jaime then charged upon horseback in an attempt to slay Daenerys the same way he killed her father by coming at her from behind and thrusting his weapon in her back, thus potentially end the war and save his men from further devastation as well as 君臨 from a future assault. Ultimately, Jaime sought to kill the Mad King's daughter for quite literally burning her enemies alive; if he had succeeded, Jaime would perhaps be the first and only person to be called both a Kingslayer and Queenslayer.
  • Though Tyrion has effectively turned against his family and sided with Daenerys, it is obvious that he still holds a degree of familial loyalty for Jaime, as it was Jaime who freed him from the dungeons of the 紅堡, enabling him to escape 維斯特洛 before being executed for murdering Joffrey (which was done by 奧蓮娜·雷德溫). In the novels, Jaime actually confessed his role in the annulment of Tyrion's marriage to Tysha, for which Tyrion swore revenge on Tywin, Cersei and Jaime, vowing to kill all three of them for (he murdered Tywin moments later) a lifetime of misery; in 魔龍的狂舞, Tyrion is intent on killing both Cersei and Jaime, but begins to have second thoughts about Jaime halfway through the book, slowly accepting that Jaime was forced to do what he did by Tywin and was truly the only member of his family who ever loved him, which was why he freed him from the dungeon. In this episode, Tyrion spots Jaime on the battlefield and silently begs Jaime to flee for his life, confirming that despite Tyrion working against his family, he does not want his brother to die (it is highly likely that he is indifferent towards Cersei dying, as Cersei effectively used Joffrey's death as an excuse to try and have him killed instead of trying to find the real culprits).


[This section will be updated with comparisons after the sixth novel is released.]

The episode contains influences from the following chapter of 凜冬的寒風:

  • Arianne II: Several people enter a cave of the 森林之子 and discover ancient carvings on the walls.

Memorable quotes



  • The Spoils of War on Wikipedia
  • 第七季第四集 on IMDb


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#1 "凜冬將至" · #2 "國王大道" · #3 "雪諾大人" · #4 "殘缺之軀" ·
#5 "獅狼之爭" · #6 "黃金寶冠" · #7 "不勝則死" · #8 "劍之尖端" · #9 "貝勒聖堂" ·
#10 "血火同源"


#1 "北境不忘" · #2 "夜之國度" · #3 "逝者不死 · #4 "骸骨花園" ·
#5 "古堡幽靈" · #6 "新舊諸神" · #7 "毀譽之人" · #8 "北國僭主" · #9 "黑水大戰" · #10 "戮盡天下"


#1 "凡人皆需侍奉" · #2 "黑翼之言" · #3 "懲罰之旅" · #4 "至死方休" ·
#5 "火吻而生" · #6 "絕壁攀爬" · #7 "狗熊與美少女" · #8 "次子" · #9 "卡斯特梅的雨季" · #10 "彌莎"


#1 "雙劍" · #2 "王家婚禮" · #3 "碎鐐之人" · #4 "守誓之劍" · #5 "托曼一世" ·
#6 "國法家法" · #7 "知更展翅" · #8 "比武審判" · #9 "長城守望" ·
#10 "森林之子"


#1 "將來的戰爭" · #2 "黑白之院" · #3 "大麻雀" · #4 "鷹身女妖之子" · #5 "殺死心中的男孩" · #6 "不屈不撓" · #7 "禮物" · #8 "艱難堡" · #9 "魔龍狂舞" · #10 "聖母慈悲"


#1 "紅袍女" · #2 "家" · #3 "背誓者" · #4 "陌客之書" · #5 "門" · #6 "吾血之血" · #7 "絕望之人" · #8 "無名者" · #9 "私生子之戰" · #10 "凜冬的風"


#1 "龍石島" · #2 "風暴降生" · #3 "女王的審判" · #4 "戰利品" · #4 "東海望"