Alive 中文

In this study, different modeling assumptions are made for patients who are alive at the end of the follow-up.

Such harrowing examples bring these academic studies of depression alive in a way rarely seen in most psychiatric publications.

Many definitions list reproduction as a key requirement for the system to be alive.

If one defines theory in the broadest sense as reflexive thinking, it is clear that theory is ver y much alive within architectural practice.

What saved his life was that he managed to smuggle out a letter indicating that he was still alive and being held captive.

Of the remaining 13 patients, at a median follow-up of 5.5 years (3 months to 20 years), 12 were alive including 11 without progression.

Just how does the oocyst keep alive during a prolonged period of dormancy?

More than half a century after the cultural battle between artists and bourgeois opened, it was still very much alive in the theatrical milieu.


None of which is to claim that stars are alive, a common misinterpretation of such an eclectic stance.

Traditionally, life is taken to be a quality: something is alive, just as something is blue or buoyant or made out of carbon.

The extraction laws leave alive a cell owning a neighbour alive in the considered direction.

The air was so alive one was simply part of it.

Each of these ontologies is very much alive in current philosophical, mathematical, and scientific thought.

Many definitions list reproduction as a key requirement for the system to be alive.

Though the person may not be happy he may be better off (and even prefer) being alive than dead. 11.

If that is so, then nothing can be regarded as intelligent which is not also alive.



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同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




machine-the Internet- you will keep your book dream alive


If computers can think, then they are alive.


Thank you for keeping Transposh alive.


The quarter of Poble Sec is lively and alive.

Poble 季是活泼和活着.

"We are working to keep Concorde alive", said Feldzer.

"我们正在努力保持协和活着", 说 Feldzer.

Samasati, the correct memory The mind is always struggling to keep alive a...

Samasati,正确的内存 头脑总是努力保持活着...

for which only the oldest people alive


It was good to be alive!


Amsterdam Noord is alive with creative initiatives.


America's flight deck came alive.


I need to know Jack bauer's still alive.

我要确认Jack Bauer仍然活着。

Her life now revolves around keeping Kate alive.


Because so few humans are alive.


Suddenly music that seemed dull and repetitive comes alive.


Chucky is alive and killed Caputo.

恰奇是活物 他杀死了艾迪·卡普托 -什么

Nicole Gordon has been found alive.

妮可·戈登 现已发现 且无生命危险

What makes you feel truly alive?


Glad you're still alive Beverly.


When I set up to use the 3 g network cell alive is no service, not receiving or making calls.

当我设置为使用 3g 网络细胞活着是没有服务, 不接收或打电话.

When was she last seen alive?

最后一次见她活著是什么时候? 3:



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