
It is most important that we strengthen the creative mind of students, encourage them to participate in extra-curricular activities, develop


their interests, and ensure whole-person

[...] development covering moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic education.

小 學全日制 是 確 保 香港教育質 素 的 重 要一環,使 老 師有充 裕 的 時間向 學 生 灌 輸德智體 美 的全面 教育,學 生 也 有 更 多時間享 受 校 園 生 活 , 所 以 意 義 重 大。

Whole-day primary schooling is an important part of our efforts to raise the quality of education. It is important because it allows teachers more time to focus on giving the students an all-round education in ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics.


香港特別行政區政府應該更積 極 地 推 廣 中 國 人的傳統美 德 和

[...] 觀 念,進一步 發 揚 “ 五 育 ”,即 德、智、體、 、美 的 精神, 藉 中 國 五 千年文化 的 優 [...]

良 傳統, 推 廣健康 的家庭 生 活 態 度 , 從 思 想 教育開


Almost five years have passed after the reunification and the Government of the Hong Kong Special


Administrative Region should more actively

[...] promote the traditional virtues and concepts of the Chinese [...]

to give fuller play to the spirit


of moral, social, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development.

治 “本”方 面 , 應該考慮從改革 九 年免費教育制 度 手

[...] ,加強中 小學生的基礎 教育,改善學 習 環境、學習 氣 氛 等 ,關心 他 們 在 德 、 智 、 體 、 、 美各方 面 的發展 , 力求學 生 真 正可以掌握較扎 實 的基礎 知 識 。

Foundation education in both primary and secondary schools should be reinforced, and both school environment and school atmosphere have to be improved. Attention should

[...] [...] growth in respect of morality, intelligence, physique, sociability and aesthetics so as to ensure that [...]

students can actually master firm basic knowledge.

我們知道在教育方面 , 常常提 倡 須向德 、 智 、體、 、 美 五 育的方向 發 展 ; 如果我們為了建立 某 [...]

一 方 向 而 減省了其他方 向 的 話 , 這 種做法 又 有 甚麼 意 思 呢 ?

As we all know, with a lack of facilities, even

[...] though students like the school very much and teachers spare no [...]

efforts in teaching the students,


the school cannot intensify and broaden the acquisition of knowledge by students.

公 眾 普遍認同香 港二十一世 紀 整 體 的教育目標應該 是 讓 每一個人 在 德 、 智、體、 、美 各 方 面 都 有全面而具 個 性 的發展,能 夠 一 生 不 斷 學 習、思 考、 探 [...]

The community at large generally agrees that the overall goals of education for the 21st century should be: To enable every person to

[...] [...] development in the domains of morals, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics according to his/her [...] [...]

he/she is capable of lifelong learning, critical and exploratory thinking, innovating and adapting to change.

因為如果談論教育,談 的是德 、 智 、體、羣 、 美 ,是全 人的發展 。

This is because when talking about


education, we should talk about all-round

[...] development in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic aspects.

但是,隨 香港的經濟 和 商 貿 發 展 日 趨 國 際 化 ,西 方 重管理 和 經 營 的 商業運 作 模 式 逐 漸 取代我們優 良 的 傳 統文化 ,商業機 構 傾 向只以賺 錢 為 先, 而中國 傳 統的“ 德 、 智 、 體 、 、 美 ” 的 美 德 卻 日 益被忽 略 。

However, with the globalization of our economy and trade, the Western management and operation mode is gradually replacing our excellent business culture which has been a well-established tradition.

其中學生更可透過“其他 學習經歷”,根據個人的性向來培養興趣,以及 在 德 、 智 、 體 、 羣 、美 方面獲得均衡發展。

Through "other learning experience", students can also develop interests


according to individual aptitudes and strike a balance among personal,

[...] social, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development.

雖然我們現時轉往“三三四”學制,要看看情況如何發展下去,而這 當然要時間適應,或要時間考慮怎樣發展,但我真的希望整個教育制度 不是單是為了經濟發展而辦教育,而是能做到全人發展,令我們的年青 一代在德、智、體、羣、美方面 ,能得到全面、正確和恰當的發展,令 將來可有一個更穩健、良好和理想的社會出現。

While we are moving into the implementation of the "3-3-4" academic structure, we must wait and see how it unfolds and it certainly takes time to adapt to the new structure or consider how it should be developed. I do hope that the entire education system will provide education not merely for the sake of economic development, but also with the aim of achieving whole-person development, so that our young generation can have holistic, proper and appropriate development in respect of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics, and there can be a healthier, better and ideal society in future.

發展家庭服務,跟青少年服務協調,達致單親兒童和青少年 在 德 、 智 、 體 、 群、 美各方面全面成長。

(1) To develop family services to tie in with youth services so as to

[...] [...] development of the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic well-being of [...]

children and youths of single parents.

在提倡全 面教育,平衡發展德智體群美的原 則㆘,統㆒幼兒㆗心及幼稚園的服務,將兩者的性 質合而為㆒,成為兒童在 6 歲前入讀小學必經的學習歷程。

In promoting the principle of comprehensive education and the balanced

[...] development of moral, intellectual, physical, social and asthetic [...]

education, the unification


of child care centre and kindergarten services by combining the nature of the two into one would become an indispensable stage of learning for children before they begin their primary schooling by the age of six.

(二 ) 香 港 在二十一 世 紀 的 教育目標,是讓每個 人 在 德 、 智 、體、羣 、 美 各 方 面 都 有 全面而具個性的發展。

(b) In the 21st century, the aim of education in Hong Kong is to enable every person to attain

[...] [...] in the domains of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics according to his/her [...]

教育局局長:主席, 政府一直以來非常重視教育質量的提升,教育局 的網站及刊物特別強調每個人在德、 智 、 體 、羣 、美各方 面的全面發 展,提升人口的素質和競爭力,推動經濟發展、促進社會流動。

SECRETARY FOR EDUCATION (in Cantonese): President, the Government has all along attached great importance to the upgrading of education in terms of both quality and quantity. In its website and publications, the Education Bureau emphasizes, in particular, the holistic development of


every individual in the areas of

[...] personality, intellectuality, physicality, sociability and aesthetics for the purpose of [...] [...]

and competitive edge of the population, promoting economic development and enhancing social mobility.

佛光山達拉斯人文學校」創立於1996年,秉持開山宗長–星雲大師「以宗教辦學」的理念,教育向下紮根,特別為學齡前及小學等不同年齡層的孩童,設計各項合適的課程,培養術德兼修 、 德智體 群 美 五 育 並重的好孩子。

To nurture talent, Buddha’s Light Private School (BLPS) was established in 1996 focusing on

[...] pre-school education in both English and Chinese.

(一 ) 向社會重申教育乃用於提升學生德、 智 、 體 、 羣 、 美 五方 面的素養,並通過視野、知識和技能的增長,充分培育和 發展個人的潛能;彰顯和承傳社會基礎價值;培養擁有自 [...]

由和獨立人格、關懷社羣和胸懷世界的未來公民;以及增 進中產及基層向上流動的機會,拉近貧富差距,促進社會 進步,而非價高者得,用以牟利的工具

(1) to reiterate to society that education is for upgrading


students’ quality in the five areas of

[...] personality, intellectuality, physicality, sociability and aesthetics,; fully cultivating [...] [...]

potentials through the growth in vision, knowledge and skills; manifesting, inheriting and transmitting fundamental social values; nurturing citizens of the future who have free and independent personality, care for the community and embrace the world; and increasing upward mobility opportunities for the middle class and the grassroots, narrowing the rich-poor gap and fostering social progress, and is not a profit-making tool for the highest bidder

我十分同意原議案的說法,任何教育服務的目標,都應該在於提升學 生德、智、體、羣、美的素 養,在傳授知識的同時培養學生良好品格; 對此有任何偏離,就會令教育失去了靈魂,留下只有利益的軀殼。

I very much agree with the original motion that all education services should aim at upgrading students' quality in the five

[...] [...] intellectuality, physicality, sociability and aesthetics for the purpose [...]

of nurturing students' character while passing on knowledge.

教育局表 示,香港幼稚園所提供的教育,目的是培育兒童 在 德 、 智 、 體、 群、美各方 面的全面發展;養成良好的生活習慣;以及激發兒 童學習興趣和培養積極的學習態度,為未來學習奠定基礎1。

Some kindergartens offer whole-day classes as well. According to EDB, the aim of kindergarten education in Hong Kong is to nurture children to

[...] [...] development in the domains of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics; to develop good habits [...] [...]

them for life, and to stimulate children's interest in learning and cultivate in them positive learning attitudes, in order to lay the foundation for their future learning1 .

(一 )(二 ) 向社會重申教育乃用於提升學生德、 智 、 體 、 羣 、 美 五方 面的素養,並增進中產及基層向上流動的機會,拉近貧富 差距提升香港文化素養,促進社會進步,而非價高者得, [...]

(1)(2) to reiterate to society that education is for upgrading students’


quality in the five areas of

[...] personality, intellectuality, physicality, sociability and aesthetics, increasing upward [...] [...]

for the middle class and the grassroots, narrowing the rich-poor gap upgrading Hong Kong’s cultural quality and fostering social progress, and is not a profit-making profiteering tool for the highest bidder

除了葉劉淑儀議員原議案中所說 的德、智、體、羣、美之外 ,大學作為知識增長與產生之地,具有培 養年青人的人格,為社會的未來培育一羣人才的使命,這些都是對大 學的最基本要求。

Apart from developing students'

[...] personality, intellectuality, physicality, sociability and aesthetics as mentioned in Mrs [...] [...]

motion, universities, being places for the birth and growth of knowledge, should have the missions to nurture the personality of young people and to nurture a pool of talents for the future of society.

新加坡的教育体系旨在培养全面发展― ― 德 、 智 、 体 、群 、 美 ― ―的 人才。

Singapore’s education system aims to develop

[...] all-rounded individuals – morally, intellectually, physically, socially and aesthetically.

結果是,美國 2個最大的學校體系,即德州和 加州,對於教科書的內容和出版 有著巨大的影響。

[...] country’s largest school systems — Texas and California — wield enormous [...]

influence over textbook content and publication.

按照學校創始人的崇高理 想和傳統,學校為莘莘學子提供優質教育和全面發展 在 德 育 , 智 育 , 體 育 , 群育和 美學領 域的潛力,並以校訓「謙、恭、謹、慎」裁培學生的正面人生態度,以及對 [...]

In accordance with the high ideals and traditions of founders of the school, it is committed to providing students with education of high quality

[...] [...] full potential in moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic domains so that [...] [...]

stretch their abilities to the full; to cultivate a positive attitude towards their life; to develop a sense of belonging to their school, family, community and nation and to contribute to their further well-being with the guidance of the school motto: “Be modest, be courteous, be diligent and be prudent”.

[...] 包括:制定重视环境、生命和政策的水文(HELP)计划和国际同位素水文学联合计划 (JIIHP),并建立有关机构,如教科文组织国际水文计划设 在 德 尔 夫 特(Delft)的水教 育学院,建立国际地下水交流评估中心(IGRAC), 在 智 利 设 立拉 丁 美 洲 和 加勒比地区 干旱与半干旱区水中心,在埃及设立干旱与半干旱水资源研究地区中心和在伊朗设立地 区城市水资源管理中心。

These initiatives embrace the development of the Hydrology for Environment, Life and Policy (HELP) Programme and the Joint International Isotopes in Hydrology Programme (JIIHP), as well as the establishment of institutions such as the UNESCO/IHE Institute for Water Education in Delft; an


International Groundwater

[...] Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC); a Water Centre in Chile for Arid and Semiarid Regions of Latin America and the Caribbean; a Regional Centre in Egypt [...] [...]

Arid and Semi-arid Zones and a Regional Centre for Urban Water Management in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

产品广泛应用于美国、英国、德国、 智 利 、 土耳其、日本、韩国、巴西、印度、墨西哥、澳大利亚、巴基斯坦等国家,行业涵盖机场、港口、隧道、道路、车站、轨道交通、工业企业厂房、建筑景观、办公空间、酒店、停车场、足球场、加油站、展厅、餐馆等各个细分行业,宏源人以原创的LVD无极灯技术成功地点亮全球,展现了对照明和节能事业的热爱和专注。

The products are widely used in the

[...] United States, Britain, Germany, Chile, Turkey, Japan, Korea, [...] [...]

Australia, Pakistan and other countries, the industry covering the airport, ports, tunnels, roads, stations, rail transportation, industrial enterprises plant, construction landscape, office space, hotels, car parks, soccer fields, gas stations, showrooms, restaurants and other industry segments, Hongyuan original LVD Induction Lamp successful location of light the world, to show the love of the cause of the lighting and energy and focus.

2011年10名「亞洲最具影響力設計大獎」得獎作品包括:讓人反思和蘊含天地人關係的台灣米糧「掌生穀粒」;集全球公眾的生活智慧,並於日本311地震40小時後迅速編修成的災民資訊平台「OLIVE」;以書架作建築結構和拓展空間的「武蔵 野 美 術 大 學博物館及圖書館」;重新運用建築物間剩餘空間以打破鄰里隔閡的「Open Architecture Project」;為日本災民於避難所提供私人空間的紙製隔板「Paper Partition System」;傳承中國文化及復興傳統手工藝的品牌「上下」;有助推動婦女勞動力的本地有機產品「區區肥皂」;運用以革命性開發的合成纖維作別開生面設計的創作展「Tokyo Fiber Senseware」;體現人類傳統智慧的 竹系組合傢俱「Truss-Me」;以及挑戰現代建築結構和力學的「梼原木橋博物館」。

Ten outstanding projects were the winners of the DFA Grand Awards last year, including "Green-in-Hand", the Taiwan native grains which bring us back to thinking about the relationship between earth and human; "OLIVE", a wiki-style site with a collaboration of

[...] [...] global citizens for March-11 earthquake victims in Japan; "Musashino Art University Museum and Library", a library with walls of book-shelves as a building structure and space expansion; "Open Architecture Project", an extension of the public realm inserted in the spatial chasm between pre-existing buildings which promote activities and communication between the local inhabitants; "Paper Partition System", a set of simple cardboard sheets for craving privacy in refuge; "Shang Xia", a brand which brings the excellence [...] [...]

and other Asian craftsmanship into contemporary lifestyle through the encounter of heritage and innovation; "So…Soap!

近年來,香港部分大學畢業生的語文能力, “ 德 、 智 、 體 ” 能 否全面 發展,文科與理科知識能否兼顧,理論與實踐能否結合,這數方面均仍 有不足之處。

In recent years, inadequacies are found among some of the university graduates with regard to their language proficiency, holistic personal, intellectual and physical development, and the balance of knowledge in arts and science subjects, as well as the ability to integrate theories into practice.

公司与国内外著名科研院所建立了长期的技术合作关系,在吸收意 、 德 、 美 、 法 等世界一流先进技术和科研成果的基础上,充分发挥“奥科人”的聪明 才 智 , 经 过多年苦心研制,于1998年推出了中国第一台电脑切割机,并且获得了该产品的中国专利权,其后相继推出了中国第一台裁皮机、中国第一台纸箱纸盒电脑打样机、中国第一台服装电脑裁床、中国第一台数控卡纸斜刻机等奥科(AOKE)系列专利产品。其中纸箱纸盒电脑打样机和服装电脑裁床获得了国家级重点新产品奖。

Especially, the carton box sample cutting machine and the garment computer cutting room was granted for the new product award in China.

目前咨询委 员会成员如下:澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国 、 德 国、 爱尔兰、意大利、日本、约旦、黎巴嫩、荷兰、挪威、沙特阿拉伯、西班牙、瑞 典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、土耳其、联合王国 和 美 国 ; 邀请巴勒斯坦作为 观察员出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员会的会 议;邀请阿拉伯国家联盟作为观察员出席咨询委员会的会议。

The membership of the Advisory Commission is currently as follows:


Australia, Belgium, Canada,

[...] Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States; to invite Palestine [...] [...]

fully participate in its meetings as an observer; to invite the European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer.


