Fail 中文

fail verb (STOP)


If my eyesight fails, I'll have to stop doing this job. 如果視力衰退,我就必須放棄這份工作。

The old man was failing fast (= he was dying). 老人奄奄一息。

fail verb (NOT HELP)


He failed her in her moment of need. 她最需要他的時候,他卻辜負了她。


John got three passes and four fails in his exams. 約翰考試三門及格,四門不及格。

 without fail

If you do something without fail, you always do it.


I go to the gym every Monday and Wednesday, without fail. 我每逢週一和週三必定去健身房。

used to tell someone that they must do something


Be there at nine o'clock, without fail. 九點鐘務必到那裡。

(fail剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



However, as a serious academic study, the book fails.

Merely seeing the illness (with a person attached to it) fails the whole person.

The traditional analogy between home thermostats and body temperature fails because living systems must balance conflicting needs, or die.

However, far from regarding this as desirable, we postulate that this fails to exercise the inherent adaptive ability of the subject.

Statistical power, therefore, failed to live up to our initial assumption.

If the householder was not at home, his or her wife/husband was selected, failing that any other family member older than 14 years.

Unions failed to offer new services to their members and no attempt was made to unite the labor movement.

The student did notice the teacher's corrective feedback but either misconstrued it or failed to make sense of it.


fail verb (STOP)


If my eyesight fails, I'll have to stop doing this job. 如果视力衰退,我就得放弃这份工作。

The old man was failing fast (= he was dying). 老人奄奄一息。

fail verb (NOT HELP)


He failed her in her moment of need. 她最需要他的时候,他却辜负了她。


John got three passes and four fails in his exams. 约翰考试3门及格,4门不及格。

 without fail

If you do something without fail, you always do it.

used to tell someone that they must do something


Be there at nine o'clock, without fail. 9点钟务必到那里。

(fail剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



By its nature this is difficult to investigate but the investigations carried out failed to reveal any persons on affected farms were so involved.

Schools that are assessed as failing in particular areas may receive grants to improve their performance.

However, this analysis fails to square well with two other facts.

Such a definition is not appropriate in the presence of coercions, since it fails to model subtyping.

The traditional analogy between home thermostats and body temperature fails because living systems must balance conflicting needs, or die.

As the current knowledge base lacks a representation for plans and the intentions they underlie, the inference scheme failed to recognize subgoals or intensional information.

The task was discontinued when the child failed to repeat two trials of the same length consecutively.

As regards maize crop production, however, liberalisation has failed to solve the challenges of high cost and patchy service delivery.



阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




It says they will meet again in 2017 and if the consultations fail to produce an agreement by Jan.

它说,他们将在再次相遇 2017 和 如果协商未能取得由Jan达成协议.

Many experienced welders fail to understand the importance of this basic concept.


If the above steps fail to resolve the problem, please contact Feral's support team at.

如果上述操作步骤无法解决问题,那么请联系 Feral 的支持团队:.

But most businesses still fail to acquire customers through social media.


Proprietors can fail to improve and support software because of business problems.


Statistics also fail to capture the quantities available for use.


That is why you fail to comprehend yourself.


The text importer could fail to import a single channel of events.


However, the local laws of Honduras often fail to effectively protect children.


60% businesses fail to connect budget with strategy


The movie's special effects fail to dazzle.


They fail to mobilize their nascent talent.


Without an extraordinary effort we will fail to achieve the MDGs.


In particular, post-conflict countries may fail to satisfy these preconditions.


Prosecutors continue to fail to effectively investigate torture allegations.


Donor policies also fail to focus on the internationally agreed development goals.


Why do I fail to receive push notifications sometimes?


Ask-Force: Do GM crops fail to produce more yield?

问强制: 转基因作物是否无法产生更多的收益率?

Many countries fail to make adequate arrangements for the supply of these medications.


I fail to understand this interpretation.




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