充滿 我 生命 河 靈 糧 堂



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充滿 我 生命 河 靈 糧 堂

  • 歡迎您和我們一同敬拜神!

    讓我們以同心合意的敬拜與禱告,相信 神藉著耶穌基督所賜給教會的權柄及聖靈的恩膏,必能攻破這地區一切的堅固營壘,奪得仇敵的城門,再次看見人心回轉歸向 神,認識耶和華榮耀的知識必要充滿全地,好像水充滿洋海一般!我們必要看見 神榮耀的作為轉化這個世代,復興這片土地!
    波士頓生命河靈糧堂願意成為您屬靈的家,讓我們一起同心來建造神榮耀的教會。願 神祝福您!

  • Welcome!

    We sincerely welcome you, in Christ, to the River of Life Christian Church in Boston! When we look around, we see darkness covering the earth and nations. We need the light of God in our midst, His power to rise, and His glorious presence to manifest! The church of God must shine for Him in every city and be His glorious witness to this generation!
    Let us come with hunger and expectation, and one heart to worship, pray and cry out to the Lord. We believe that, by the authority God has given the church, through Jesus Christ and through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we will break regional strongholds and overcome the gates of the enemy. May the knowledge of the glory of the Lord fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. We must see God’s glory transform this generation and revive this land!
    The River of Life Christian Church in Boston is willing to be your spiritual home, let us work together to build the glorious church of God. May God bless you!.

  • 關於我們



  • About ROLCCIB

    Founded in early 2006, ROLCCIB is the first River of Life church to be established in New England. Pastors Jocelyn and Jeff Shu actively train co-workers, establish cell groups, hold marriage and family classes, lead the youth and children's church, and organize various special conferences throughout the year. Every year the church sends out short-term missions teams to Taiwan. The church has also done mission work in Africa, Europe and Southeast Asia.

    In 2010, the Lord blessed ROLCCIB with a 10.1 acre property with a 55,000 square foot commercial office building for less than two-thirds the market price. From September 2014 to October 2015, the church underwent renovations for the creation of a new sanctuary that can accommodate up to 700 people. All praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, for His faithful guidance in the years to come, and for all the miraculous and wonderful experiences.

充滿 我 生命 河 靈 糧 堂

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    • 啟程福音
    • 羅以聖經輔導關懷中心
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充滿 我 生命 河 靈 糧 堂

生命河靈糧堂 River of Life Christian Church homepage

北美加州矽谷生命河靈糧堂 歡迎您 River of Life Christian Church welcomes you to join our family!

充滿 我 生命 河 靈 糧 堂

最新消息 NEWS


10/21 Fri 7:30PM 宣教講座:如何向回教徒傳福音

10/23 9AM & 11AM 中英雙語聯合宣教主日





  • 崇拜聚會
    • 聚會時間表
    • 電子週報
    • 主日影音
    • 禱告會錄音
  • 牧區小組
    • 中文牧區
    • RiverKids 兒童牧區
    • Youth 青少年牧區
    • NEW WAVE English Ministry
    • 網路牧區
  • 教會事工
    • 敬拜讚美
    • 信徒裝備
    • 宣教植堂
    • 全地轉化
    • 醫治禱告
    • 經歷神營會
    • 先知事奉
    • 啟程福音
    • 羅以聖經輔導關懷中心
  • 傳媒影音
    • 主日影音
    • 禱告會錄音
    • 裝備課程網路資源
  • 關於我們
    • 關於生命河
    • 信仰宣言
    • 牧者團隊
    • 組織部門
    • 近期活動
    • 行事曆
    • Jobs
  • 聯絡我們
    • 如何奉獻
    • 加入電郵社區
    • 義工服事
    • 詩歌版權說明
  • 資源連結
    • 中文小組查經資料
    • 小組兒童教材
    • 裝備與靈修資源
    • 教會圖書館
    • 規章表格
    • ROLCC Apps