Baking soda可以吃吗





















2022-10-31 ���

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Baking Soda「烘焙苏打粉」,也称为碳酸氢钠,广泛应用于烘焙。这是因为它有发酵的特性,通过产生二氧化碳使面团膨胀。除了烘焙外,baking soda「小苏打」还有许多生活用途和健康益处。






半杯温水加入半茶匙小苏打就是简易的漱口水。小苏打漱口水既可以帮助帮助清新口气,清洁牙齿,还具有抗菌性 [来源] 。不少生活网站和博主推荐用小苏打 + 柠檬 DIY 成牙膏。如果你也想试试的话,一定要控制好使用频率,一周一次足够了。



又到了蚊子繁忙工作的季节了。我非常容易招蚊子,被蚊子咬后的感觉太难受了。小苏打可以帮助缓解叮咬症状 [来源],又不用担心它有不安全成分。使用方法:

  • 简单版:在温水中加入适量小苏打,然后擦拭被叮咬处。
  • 高阶版:两匙小苏打和适量薰衣草精油混合,涂抹叮咬处、保持 20-30 分钟,用凉爽潮湿的布擦拭干净。

小苏打同样可以缓解因晒伤而引起的发痒喔。告诉你一个秘密:蚊虫叮咬很多人买的 After Bite 药膏有效成分就是 5% 的 Baking Soda,我们在下面的文章有介绍。



有研究表明,小苏打可以帮助你在长时间内保持最佳状态,尤其是在高强度训练和短跑等无氧运动中 [来源 1,2] 。在高强度运动中,肌肉细胞开始产生乳酸,这是在运动中产生燃烧感的原因。乳酸还会降低细胞内的 pH 值,这可能会导致肌肉疲劳。 Baking soda 的 pH 值很高,这可以帮助延缓疲劳,让人在良好状态下锻炼更长时间。



冰箱里的东西放多放杂了,难免会串味,产生异味。苏打粉可以中和异味,使冰箱更清新。它通过气味颗粒相互作用来消除它们,而不仅仅是掩盖它们的异味。我自己也常常用下面这款 baking soda 来去除冰箱异味。想自己 DIY 的话,找一个杯子在里面装满小苏打,然后把它放在冰箱里,定期更换就 OK 了。

49% off

Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Fridge-N-Freezer Odor Absorber, 14 oz.

  • Twelve 14 oz. box of ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda Fridge-n-Freezer Odor Absorber
  • FLO-THRU TECHNOLOGY: The only baking soda brand with Flo-Thru technology that has dual panel vents...
  • FRESH TASTING FOOD: Use a new box each month help food taste fresh; one for the fridge and one for...


一到夏天,东西容易变质变味,厨房垃圾带来的异味感也更强烈。万能的 baking soda 可以很好地缓解垃圾臭味。有研究表明在垃圾桶的底部撒上苏打粉可以帮助中和 70% 的垃圾气味 [来源] 。


爱 DIY 的同学们也可以用 baking soda 自制除臭包来去除鞋子的臭味。制作的方法非常简单:将两匙小苏打倒入薄布或其他轻薄织物中,然后用橡皮筋或绳子把布固定好,就搞定了。



很多蔬菜瓜果并不适合削皮后使用,但直接用水清洗又担心洗不干净。这种时候, baking soda 就能派上用场了。将适量苏打倒水中,然后将蔬果在苏打水中泡 10-15 分钟,就可有效去除农药残留物 [来源] 。


无论是锅碗瓢盆还是烤箱灶台,都可以使用 baking soda 来清洁。我家有个白珐琅瓷铸铁锅,用来炖肉就很容易染色,有的时候不注意也会出现烧糊粘锅的情况。所以我每隔一段时间就会用苏打粉清洗一次。使用起来方便,清洁力度大,也安全省钱。

《2022 铸铁锅与珐瑯锅选购指南|3 大品牌 50+ 款式推荐》


和厨房一样,浴室打扫起来也很麻烦。美国超市有各种各样的浴室清洁用品,但 baking soda 是最天然,性价比极高的清洁用品。你可以用它来打扫浴室瓷砖、厕所、淋浴、浴缸、浴室水槽等。最简单的方法就是把小苏打和水调和成糊状物,用海绵或布把糊状物彻底地擦在你想清洁的表面上,15-20 分钟后再用湿布擦拭干净。




  • 在地毯污渍上覆盖一层薄薄的小苏打。
  • 在一个空的喷雾瓶中倒入 1:1 的醋和水混合物,喷在污渍处。
  • 等待一个小时或直到地毯表面变干。
  • 用刷子把小苏打刷松,然后用吸尘器吸干残渣。
  • 如果地毯上有小苏打残留,用湿毛巾擦干净。

《美国 DIY 自己局部清洁地毯》

《2019 美国地毯清洗机使用实测和型号推荐》

Last update on 2022-12-07. Affiliate links and images from Amazon Product Advertising API. This website is an Amazon Associate. We earn from qualifying purchases.

  • #8

回复: 哪种baking soda 可以吃?

Sixty Uses Of Baking Soda

Bicarbonate of soda or baking soda has many different uses in the household. Although much more expensive products have been developed over the years to do the same jobs, baking soda can work for you just as well, if not better. Use it in the following ways:
1. To make your own baking powder, stir and sift together 2 parts of Cream of Tartar to 1 part baking soda and 1 part cornstarch.
2. Be sure to keep an extra box of baking soda by your stove in case of grease or electrical fire. Scatter the powder by the handful to safely put it out.
3. Keep a container of baking soda in your garage as well as in your car to put out a fire. It won't damage anything it touches.
4. Baking soda will also put out fires in clothing, fuel, wood, upholstery and rugs.
5. Clean vegetables and fruit with baking soda. Sprinkle in water, soak and rise the produce.
6. Wash garbage cans with baking soda.
7. Soak and wash diapers with baking soda.
8. Oil and grease - stained clothing washes out better with soda added to the washing water.
9. Clean your fridge and freezer with dry soda sprinkled on a damp cloth. rinse with clear water.
10. Deodorize your fridge and freezer by putting in an open container of baking soda to absorb odors. Stir and turn over the soda from time to time. Replace every 2 months.
11. Soda absorbs kitty litter odors. Cover the bottom of the kitty box with 1 part soda; then add a layer of 3 parts kitty litter on top.
12. Always add 1/2 cup soda to your washing machine load.
13. Clean combs and brushes in a soda solution.
14. Wash food and drink containers with soda and water.
15. Wash marble-topped furniture with a solution of 3 tablespoons of soda in 1 quart of warm water. Let stand awhile, then rinse.
16. Clean formica counter tops with baking soda on a damp sponge.
17. Wash out thermos bottles and cooling containers with soda and water to get rid of stale smells.
18. To remove stubborn stains from marble, formica or plastic surfaces, scour with a paste of soda and water.
19. Wash glass or stainless steel coffee pots (but not aluminum) in a soda solution ( 3 tbsp. soda to 1 quart water).
20. Run you coffee maker through its cycle with a soda solution. Rinse.
21. Give baby bottles a good cleaning with soda and hot water.
22. Sprinkle soda on barbecue grills, let soak, then rinse off.
23. Sprinkle soda on greasy garage floor. Let stand, scrub and rinse.
24. Polish silverware with dry soda on a damp cloth. Rub, rinse and dry.
25. For silver pieces without raised patterns or cemented-on handles: place the silver on aluminum foil in an enamel pot. Add boiling water and 4 tbsp. baking soda. Let stand, rinse and dry.
26. Reduce odor build-up in your dishwasher by sprinkling some soda on the bottom.
27. Run your dishwasher through its cycle with soda in it instead of soap to give it a good cleaning.
28. To remove burned-on food from a pan: let the pan soak in soda and water for 10 minutes before washing. Or scrub the pot with dry soda and a moist scouring pad.
29. For a badly-burned pan with a thick layer of burned-on food: pour a thick layer of soda directly onto the bottom of the pan, then sprinkle on just enough water so as to moisten the soda. Leave the pot overnight, then scrub it clean next day.
30. Rub stainless steel and chrome with a moist cloth and dry baking soda to shine it up. Rinse and dry. On stainless steel, scrub in the direction of the grain.
31. Clean plastic, porcelain and glass with dry soda on a damp cloth. Rinse and dry.
32. Remove that bad smell from ashtrays with soda and water.
33. Sprinkle a bit of dry soda in your ashtrays to prevent smoldering and reduce odor.
34. Clean your bathroom with dry soda on a moist sponge - sink, tub, tiles, shower stall, etc.
35. Keep your drains clean and free-flowing by putting 4 tablespoons of soda in them each week. Flush the soda down with hot water.
36. Soak your shower curtains in water and soda to clean them.
37. To remove strong odors from your hands, wet your hands and rub them hard with soda, then rinse.
38. Sprinkle baking soda on your wet toothbrush and brush your teeth and dentures with it.
39. Sprinkle soda in tennis shoes, socks, boots and slippers to eliminate odor.
40. Add 1/2 cups or more of baking soda to your bath water to soften your skin.
41. Putting 2 tbsp. of baking soda in your baby's bath water will help relieve diaper rash irritations.
42. Apply soda directly to insect bites, rashes and poison ivy to relieve discomfort. Make a paste with water.
43. Take a soda bath to relieve general skin irritations such as measles and chicken pox.
44. Take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water to relieve acid indigestion or heartburn.
45. Gargle with 1/2 tsp. baking soda in 1/2 glass of water. Freshens and cleans your mouth.
46. Used as a mouthwash, baking soda will also relieve canker sore pain.
47. To relieve sunburn: use a paste of baking soda and water.
48. Bug bites: use a poultice of baking soda and vinegar.
49. Bee sting: use a poultice of baking soda and water.
50. Windburns: moisten some baking soda and apply directly.
51. Making Play Clay with baking soda: combine 1 1/4 cups water, 2 cups soda, 1 cup cornstarch.
52. Use soda as an underarm deodorant.
53. If your baby spits up on his shirt after feeding, moisten a cloth, dip it in baking soda and dab at the dribbled shirt. The odor will go away.
54. When scalding a chicken, add 1 tsp. of soda to the boiling water. The feathers will come off easier and flesh will be clean and white.
55. Repel rain from windshield. Put gobs of baking soda on a dampened cloth and wipe windows inside and out.
56. Add to water to soak dried beans to make them more digestible.
57. Add to water to remove the "gamey" taste from wild game.
58. Use to sweeten sour dishcloths. 59. Use dry with a small brush to rub canvas handbags clean. 60. Use to remove melted plastic bread wrapper from toaster. Dampen cloth and make a mild abrasive with baking soda.

Baking powder可以吃吗?

适量无害,泡打粉是一种食品添加剂,又称发酵粉,类似于酵母,主要用作面制食品的膨松剂。 因为泡打粉内含有明矾,因此,一定适量食用,如果按照规定的量来用,一般影响不大的。 和面泡打粉8分钟就能发起来,一般做饼之类的食品是用。

Baking soda 有什么作用?

小蘇打英文是baking soda。 它的成份是碳酸氫納(Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, NaHCO3),屬於鹼性物質,所以用來它來做烘焙的膨鬆劑時,食譜裡需要酸性的液體來中和以產生氣體。 只是一旦開始混和液體跟小蘇打就即刻啟動化學反應,立馬開始釋出二氧化碳直到完成酸鹼中和。

Bicarbonate of soda可以吃吗?

小苏打多了会中毒 小苏打是碳酸氢钠的俗称,是碱性食物,长期大量食用可能会引起碱中毒,不过,离开剂量谈毒性都是耍流氓,小苏打又不是零食,很少会有人大剂量的食用小苏打的。


碳酸氢钠(英語:sodium bicarbonate、IUPAC名:sodium hydrogen carbonatebaking soda一种无机化合物,化学式为NaHCO3,俗称小苏打、蘇打粉、重曹、焙用鹼等,為白色细小晶体,在水中的溶解度小于碳酸钠,呈弱碱性。


