

Chinese-English Dictionary




MEANING OF 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行


Definition lit. to willfully go towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers (idiom) / fig. to take a risk despite knowing the dangers


Characters 明 míng 知 zhī 山 shān 有 yǒu 虎 hǔ 偏 piān 向 xiàng 行 xíng/háng/xìng


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Meaning of 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行

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明知山有虎,偏向虎山行 míng zhī shān yǒu hǔ , piān xiàng hǔ shān xíng

lit. to willfully go towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers (idiom); fig. to take a risk despite knowing the dangers


míng zhī shān yǒu hǔ , piān xiàng hǔ shān xíng





míng zhī shān yǒu hǔ , piān xiàng hǔ shān xíng

  1. lit. to willfully go towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers (idiom)
  2. fig. to take a risk despite knowing the dangers

Character Decomposition

Related Words (20)

suǒ yǒu

  1. 1 all

  2. 2 to have

  3. 3 to possess

  4. 4 to own


  1. 1 to have

  2. 2 there is

  3. 3 there are

  4. 4 to exist

  5. 5 to be

méi yǒu

  1. 1 haven't

  2. 2 hasn't

  3. 3 doesn't exist

  4. 4 to not have

  5. 5 to not be

Idioms (20)


yī bù zuò , èr bù xiū

  1. 1 don't do it, or don't rest (idiom); either give up, or go through to the end

  2. 2 Since we started, we must carry it through whatever happens.

  3. 3 in for a penny, in for a pound


yī rén dé dào , jī quǎn shēng tiān

  1. 1 lit. when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom)

  2. 2 fig. to ride on sb else's success

  3. 3 Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too

  4. 4 Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it


yī ge tiān nán , yī ge dì běi

  1. 1 to live miles apart (idiom)


yī chuán shí , shí chuán bǎi

  1. 1 news pass quickly from mouth to mouth (idiom)

  2. 2 an infectious disease spreads quickly (old meaning)


yī zé yǐ xǐ , yī zé yǐ yōu

  1. 1 happy on the one hand, but worried on the other (idiom)

Sample Sentences


míngzhīshānyǒuhǔ,piānxiànghǔshānxíng ,rúguǒ Zhōngwén shuō de bùhǎo ,yòng Yīngwén xuéxí jiù hǎo le 。

Take the bull by the horns. If you can't speak Chinese well, using English to learn is fine.


míngzhīshānyǒuhǔ,piānxiànghǔshānxíng 。zhēnshi yǒu yǒngqì a !

Take the bull by the horns. He's so brave!

条目 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行

拼音 míng zhī shān yǒu hǔ piān xiàng hǔ shān xíng

注音 ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄓ ㄕㄢ ㄧㄡˇ ㄏㄨˇ ㄆㄧㄢ ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄏㄨˇ ㄕㄢ ㄒㄧㄥˊ

明知山有虎,偏向虎山行 词语解释


明知山有虎,偏向虎山行 míng zhī shān yǒu hǔ piān xiàng hǔ shān xíngㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄓ ㄕㄢ ㄧㄡˇ ㄏㄨˇ ㄆㄧㄢ ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄏㄨˇ ㄕㄢ ㄒㄧㄥˊ

  1. (谚语)​明知有危险,却还是冒险而行。比喻不畏艰险。如:「他明知此行凶多吉少,却偏偏要去,真是『明知山有虎,偏向虎山行』。」

英语 lit. to willfully go towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers (idiom)​, fig. to take a risk despite knowing the dangers

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