

日期:2021-10-14 10:44









The Fur and the Hide

While on a tour of the country, Marquis Wen of the state of Wei saw a man wearing a

fur with the hide outside, carrying a bundle of straw.

"Why wear your fur inside out to carry straw?" asked the marquis.

"To protect the fur," was the answer.

"Don't you realize, man," said the marquis, "that when the hide wears out, the fur will go too?"

--New Discourses (Xin Xu)

(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)



2017-11-25 �� TA���2.7�����








Ӣ�ģ�With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself�� A thing cannot exist without its basis.�� If the skin does not exist, what could the hair adhere to -- One thing is dependent on the other�� mutually dependent (of neighboring states)

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  • With the skin gone,to what can the hair attach itself?
    A thing cannot exist without its basis.
    If the skin does not exist,what could the hair adhere to -- One thing is dependent on the other.
    mutually dependent
    usefulness of having a buffer state in between
    It is impossible for a thing to exist without its basis.

  • "皮之不存毛将焉附"英文翻译    it is impossible for a thing to exist without its basis; with the skin gone to what can the hair attach itself
  • "毛将军"英文翻译    radix euphorbiae
  • "皮之靴"英文翻译    sharkskin boots
  • "调皮之人"英文翻译    a tricky fellow play tricks
  • "赖皮之宿"英文翻译    realism no yado; riarizumu no yado
  • "树皮之杖"英文翻译    shillelah
  • "嬉皮之路"英文翻译    the hippie trail
  • "鲨皮之靴"英文翻译    rare sharkskin boots; xvb
  • "不存留"英文翻译    escape
  • "不存心"英文翻译    not intended; untentioned
  • "不存有"英文翻译    non-being
  • "不存在"英文翻译    non-existent; nothingness 这一切将不存在。 all of these will dissolve into nothingness
  • "存不存"英文翻译    cbc
  • "取之不尽,用之不竭"英文翻译    be inexhaustible in supply and always available for useabound inexhaustlessunexhausted
  • "取之不尽,用之不竭"英文翻译    be inexhaustible in supply and always available for use; abound in; exhaustless; unexhausted
  • "画皮之阴阳法王"英文翻译    hua pi zhi yinyang fawang; painted skin
  • "多摩君之不"英文翻译    domo-kun no fushigi terebi
  • "感之不尽"英文翻译    be exceedingly thankful; extremely grateful
  • "挥之不去"英文翻译    can't take it
  • "来之不易"英文翻译    be not easily won; be hard won; be not easily come by; hard-earned; have not been easily won; it has not come easily.; not easily achieved [gotten; got; obtained]: 我们的成功来之不易。 our successes were hard-earned. 我们的胜利来之不易。 our victory was hard-won. 每一粒粮食都来之不易。 every single grain is the result of toil. 我们今天稳定的形势是来之不易的。 the stable situation of our country today was hard won
  • "来之不易的"英文翻译    hard earned; hard-earned; hard-won
  • "钱来之不易"英文翻译    money doesn't grow on trees; money doesn’t grow on trees
  • "求之不得"英文翻译    seek but fail to get; all that one could wish for; exceedingly [most] welcome; fail to find a thing after searching for it; just what one (has) wished for; so rare that it is not to be sought 求之不得的事情 just what one wants; 这是求之不得的机会。 this is a most welcome opportunity. 求之不得, 不求自来。 follow love, and it will flee; flee love, and it will follow thee
  • "取之不尽"英文翻译    inexhaustible
  • "皮脂潴留"英文翻译    retention of sebaceous matter; sebum retention
  • "皮脂障碍症"英文翻译    dyssebacea



"皮之不存毛将焉附"英文,   "the producers"英文,   "the lodger"英文,   "the servant"英文,   "the secret"英文,   "the faithful"英文,   "the jerk"英文,   "the templars"英文,   "the breaking point"英文,   "皮脂溢性疣"英文,   "皮脂溢性痤疮, 皮脂溢"英文,   "皮脂溢疹"英文,   "皮脂障碍症"英文,   "皮脂潴留"英文,   "皮之靴"英文,   "皮纸"英文,   "皮纸板"英文,   "皮纸板;压板。"英文,   


