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  • 經濟學家會說天下沒有白吃的午餐,別的人則會說好東西來之不易。

    economists will say that there is no free lunch. others will say that nothing good in life comes easy.

  • 關於作出決策的第一課可以歸納為一句諺語:「天下沒有白吃的午餐。」

    the first lesson about making decisions is summarized in the adage: 「there is no such thing as a free lunch.」

  • 酬答 1。這份獎賞,猶如錦上添花。2。享樂者,必須付酬勞。3。天下沒有白吃的午餐。4。無辛勤,哪來收獲?。

    this award will be frosting on the cake 2. he who dances must pay the piper. 3. there's no free lunch. 4. no pain, no gain.

  • ⊙、智慧之書的第一章,也是最后一章,就是天下沒有白吃的午餐

    the first chapter of the book of wisdom, also is the final chapter, is that there is no free lunch.

there's no such thing as a free lunch


said to emphasize that you cannot get something for nothing


"I get to travel with my job but the downside is I have to give talks." "Well, there's no such thing as a free lunch." “我这份工作可以经常去四处走走,不过坏处是我得经常作报告。”“哎呀,天下没有免费的午餐嘛。”

(there's no such thing as a free lunch剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)

there's no such thing as a free lunch的翻译


there's no such thing as a free lunch idiom




  • you cannot make bricks without straw

  • "天下"英文翻译    China or the world; land und ...
  • "没有"英文翻译    not have; there is not; be w ...
  • "白吃"英文翻译    eat without pay
  • "的"英文翻译    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • "午餐"英文翻译    lunch; déjeuner; tiffin; twe ...
  • "天下没有免费的午餐"英文翻译    despise the free lunch
  • "坐著吃的午餐"英文翻译    a sitdown lunchh
  • "没有免费的午餐"英文翻译    no free lunch
  • "天下没有不散的延席"英文翻译    all good things come to an end
  • "天下没有不散的宴席"英文翻译    all good things come to an end
  • "天下没有不散的筵席"英文翻译    all good things come to an end; all is fair in war
  • "天下没有不散之筵席"英文翻译    the best friends must part
  • "天下没有什么话,我为你感到"英文翻译    there's no words for what i feel for you
  • "丰盛的午餐"英文翻译    scrumptious lunch
  • "美味的午餐"英文翻译    a scrumptious lunch
  • "草地上的午餐"英文翻译    le dejeuner sur l'herbe; le déjeuner sur l’herbe; the picnic
  • "公园里的午餐"英文翻译    45.lunch in the park; lunch in the park
  • "星期天的午餐"英文翻译    sunday lunch
  • "吃一顿丰盛的午餐"英文翻译    have a big lunch
  • "白吃"英文翻译    bilk
  • "时间没有白费"英文翻译    11.time not lost
  • "我们没有白忙"英文翻译    our efforts were not in vain
  • "我十一点半吃的午饭"英文翻译    i am from shanghai and he is from beijing
  • "没有东西吃的"英文翻译    unfed
  • "没有白给的东西"英文翻译    that nothing comes for free


  • 6 there is no such thing as a free lunch
    天下没有白吃的午餐。 (喻:天下无不劳而获之事。
  • Arms will will be blocked , water comes earthy adj / lit wide . the world does not have bilked lunch . prepare to need not worry well



"我可不愿意白吃白喝别人"英文,   "午餐之后坐片刻"英文,   "鞭笞天下"英文,   "天下谷"英文,   "行骗天下"英文,   "天下足球"英文,   "天下大同"英文,   "威震天下"英文,   "天下画报"英文,   "天下会精英"英文,   "天下会守卫"英文,   "天下兼相爱则治,交相恶则乱"英文,   "天下郎"英文,   "天下旅运有限公司"英文,   "天下没有不散的延席"英文,   "天下没有不散的宴席"英文,   "天下没有不散的筵席"英文,   "天下没有不散之筵席"英文,   


