你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎










艾瑞.卡爾(Eric Carle)




  • ISBN:9789577623218
  • 規格:精裝 / 24頁 / 12.7 x 18 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:童書/青少年文學> 0-3歲嬰幼兒> 啟蒙認知
  • 本書分類:童書/青少年文學> 分齡推薦> 幼幼書



  • 你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎











你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎

你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎

你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎


艾瑞.卡爾(Eric Carle)

艾瑞.卡爾被稱為色彩的魔術師,他用獨一無二的色紙,拼貼出全世界最知名的毛毛蟲。他的經典作品《好餓的毛毛蟲》被翻譯成64種語言版本,全球銷量近超過5000 多萬冊,堪稱圖畫書界的聖經!

艾瑞.卡爾曾說過:「我的作品是書也是玩具」,有的可以用手指鑽來鑽去,有的會發出蟋蟀的叫聲,有的摸得到蜘蛛網……每本都深受孩子喜愛,且榮獲紐約時報年度最佳童書、義大利波隆那書展設計大獎等 70 多次國際性大獎,近年又獲得美國圖書館協會授予羅拉.英格爾.懷爾特獎,肯定他作品的藝術性。2002 年他成立了艾瑞.卡爾圖畫書美術館,成為美國第一座圖畫書美術館。





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你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎

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I have mentioned this before, but I am not a fan of Eric Carle. He's one of those children's authors that parents seem to just adore, but kids rarely seem that enamored with. I just don't get the love. I don't care for the art and frequently find the images blocky and unappealing. With the exception of his Caterpillar book, I don't see his appeal.

Obviously this is not the case for most people. My daughter just had a birthday, and with people knowing that we are very much a "story time" househol

I have mentioned this before, but I am not a fan of Eric Carle. He's one of those children's authors that parents seem to just adore, but kids rarely seem that enamored with. I just don't get the love. I don't care for the art and frequently find the images blocky and unappealing. With the exception of his Caterpillar book, I don't see his appeal.

Obviously this is not the case for most people. My daughter just had a birthday, and with people knowing that we are very much a "story time" household, she got several books, including of course, some Eric Carle. Well, I may not like him, but they're not for me, they are for her. I'll still read the books if my daughter wants… and given that like many children, she loves cats, this one was inevitable.

Never in my life have I read a more annoying children's book. One page: "Have you seen my cat?" Next page: "This is not my cat." Repeat without any other words until the final page of the book. No "this is a tiger! This is not my cat!," no other descriptions of the kid's cat… not even an animal noise. Just those two sentences over, and over, and over next to Carle's oh so loved blocky imagery. Look, I get repetition is needed for child development and learning, but really, a bit more would have made it at least a tolerable read.

I really can't think of a single children's book I dislike more than this. The fact that it is on our book shelf actually annoys me. I'll read it, I'll do voices for it, I'll even add animal noise to add a bit of entertainment value for my daughter if she ever for some reason picks this one again, but I despise this book. 1/5 stars


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I do get tired of these sort of books, that is not my..... or are you my..... but I expect this was around when this theme was not so overdone. A boy is looking for his cat and passes many cats of the world before he finds his own. It would have been nicer to see a lion in the wild rather than the zoo and at the end the cat has a litter of kittens.

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A young boy's cat is missing and he is asking several different people across the world if they have seen his cat. This book shows how many different kinds of cats there are around the world. A young boy's cat is missing and he is asking several different people across the world if they have seen his cat. This book shows how many different kinds of cats there are around the world. ...more

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I love adding voices and sounds for each cat:) I also have the kids help me ask.

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You have got to be kidding me. In terms of repetition, it's good for very small children and the illustrations are beautiful. But there really isn't any substance in it at all. The fact that the target audience is young, does not mean that you can throw basic story elements out of the picture.

Well... I guess it's the illustrations that really move this story along. So if you have a child that can't read yet, it's wonderful.

You have got to be kidding me. In terms of repetition, it's good for very small children and the illustrations are beautiful. But there really isn't any substance in it at all. The fact that the target audience is young, does not mean that you can throw basic story elements out of the picture.

Well... I guess it's the illustrations that really move this story along. So if you have a child that can't read yet, it's wonderful.


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My son picked this one from the library because he recognized the art as being similar to The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I'd say that's pretty observant for a 4 year old. He was excited to read it, so we did. "Let's put this in the bad pile." he said. My son picked this one from the library because he recognized the art as being similar to The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I'd say that's pretty observant for a 4 year old. He was excited to read it, so we did. "Let's put this in the bad pile." he said. ...more

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Very few people can take a book that basically only has two lines and make it a success. Eric Carle has managed to do this with Have You Seen My Cat?, which features a call and response format throughout the entire book: "Have you seen my cat? This is not my cat." This particular version of the beloved picture is awesome because it has the slide out page feature that not only shortens the book (which is definitely more appropriate for a board book) but also makes it more fun for the reader to Very few people can take a book that basically only has two lines and make it a success. Eric Carle has managed to do this with Have You Seen My Cat?, which features a call and response format throughout the entire book: "Have you seen my cat? This is not my cat." This particular version of the beloved picture is awesome because it has the slide out page feature that not only shortens the book (which is definitely more appropriate for a board book) but also makes it more fun for the reader to see what's coming next. In this book, a little boy has lost his cat and he encounters many, many different types of cats (panther, lion, jaguar, etc.) before finally coming across the one he calls his. The illustrations and variety of feline creatures are a big part of what makes this book stand out. The larger picture book version would be more appropriate for a read aloud session with a group of children, but this slide-and-peek board book version is definitely suitable for one-on-one reading time with your child. ...more

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I'm a fan of Eric Carle's art. I have a few of his books, so I'm slightly biased.

This book is about a boy trying to find his cat, and people from different parts of the world would show him a feline that is native to the country to see if that's his cat. Example: India would be Tiger, Africa would be Lion. etc.

Henry really liked this as he love anything animals, and we have a book called Animal Tales with 30 different animal sounds (another book I recommend, 4 stars), and some of the cat pictur

I'm a fan of Eric Carle's art. I have a few of his books, so I'm slightly biased.

This book is about a boy trying to find his cat, and people from different parts of the world would show him a feline that is native to the country to see if that's his cat. Example: India would be Tiger, Africa would be Lion. etc.

Henry really liked this as he love anything animals, and we have a book called Animal Tales with 30 different animal sounds (another book I recommend, 4 stars), and some of the cat pictures are the same, so Henry recognized the pictures.


你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎

I got "Have You Seen My Cat?" by Eric Carle for my 2 1/2 year old. She loves it, There is a little boy who looks everywhere for his lost cat. There is repetition which she loves,it is very very simple. It was good just as is for a week or so, then we started to add a lot of things to the story because my daughter kept asking "why isn't it his cat" and "what cat is it" and things like that. we read it like this :"This is not my cat it is a ____ cat because it _____" and she loves it, she now is a I got "Have You Seen My Cat?" by Eric Carle for my 2 1/2 year old. She loves it, There is a little boy who looks everywhere for his lost cat. There is repetition which she loves,it is very very simple. It was good just as is for a week or so, then we started to add a lot of things to the story because my daughter kept asking "why isn't it his cat" and "what cat is it" and things like that. we read it like this :"This is not my cat it is a ____ cat because it _____" and she loves it, she now is a cat know it all and has amazed people with the facts she knows about different wild cats. we read it EVERYDAY a few times a day. the only reason I took a star away is because of how simple it is and how we have had to add to it to make our daughter happy. The illustrations are awesome and she loves them all. but to most kids I'm sure it would be fine as is. ...more

你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎

We all ove Eric Carle! This is a must have classroom addition. In this book a little boy is looking for his lost cat. He goes around the world, through different countries, meeting all kinds of people in various cultures. He also meets many types of cats, but they are not his. The illustrations are amazing, children can learn about the types of cats around the world, culture, and communities. Great book!

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Very simple text, but I love the illustrations.

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Can't count how many times I've read it with my kids. Can't count how many times I've read it with my kids. ...more

你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎

Title: Have You Seen My Cat?

Author: Eric Carle

Illustrator: Eric Carle

Genre: Predictable Book

Theme: Animals, predictability

Opening Line/Sentence: Have you seen my cat?

Brief Book Summary: A little boy lost his cat and is asking people all around the world if they have seen his cat. Each time they point to a type of cat, it ends up not being his cat. At the end of the story, he finally finds his cat and her kittens.

Professional Recommendation/Review #1:

Title: Have You Seen My Cat?

Author: Eric Carle

Illustrator: Eric Carle

Genre: Predictable Book

Theme: Animals, predictability

Opening Line/Sentence: Have you seen my cat?

Brief Book Summary: A little boy lost his cat and is asking people all around the world if they have seen his cat. Each time they point to a type of cat, it ends up not being his cat. At the end of the story, he finally finds his cat and her kittens.

Professional Recommendation/Review #1:
Moira Small (Books for Keeps No. 56, May 1989)
Eric Carle has a happy knack of building curiosity and anticipation into his books so that every stylish, patterned page is looked forward to and enjoyed. This one is no exception: we are immediately caught in a simple yet compelling problem . . . a boy has lost his cat and needs to find it again. Any old cat will not do . . . the boy finds a lion, a panther, a tiger, a cheetah, a bobcat, a puma, a Persian cat and a jaguar before he eventually finds his very own cat, with her kittens. The watching listening child will enjoy looking carefully at each picture and the adult, enjoying the story, will find much to discuss as they go along. Yes, it's useful for categorizing and vocabulary and all that stuff, but it's also terrific fun, whatever your age.

Professional Recommendation/Review #2:
Marilyn Courtot (Children's Literature)
Carle must be a cat fancier since he dedicates this book to all the cats in his life. Each thick cardboard page had a pull out slide. A young boy is pictured in each scene and he is hunting for his cat. This search takes him on a trip around the world, and everywhere that he stops, he makes the same inquire of those he meets. Have you seen my cat? They in turn just point to the tab and when it is pulled out a cat is displayed. These are not ordinary cats. There are leopards, cheetahs, tigers, etc. and in each case, the young boy replies This is not my cat. It seems a bit sad, that he cannot locate his cat. However, the final picture points to the back cover and when the covers are spread open, the cat on the cover must belong to the boy and she has disappeared because she apparently just had a litter of kittens.

Response to Two Professional Reviews: I agree with both of these reviews because this book is repetitive and easy for children to catch on to. The illustrations are spectacular and give insight to different cultures. Children can also learn about different varieties of cats, so it’s educational and fun.

Evaluation of Literary Elements: When the jaguar is shown up in a tree, my attention was focused on it since it seemed like it had so much power being up high. Further in the story, the cheetah is shown running and its legs are bent in a diagonal form, which implies the cheetah is in motion. The backgrounds are white, which draws attention to the characters in the story even more. The light backgrounds also give hope to the reader that the little boy will find his cat eventually.

Consideration of Instructional Application: In my classroom, a mini lesson could be discussing what predictable stories are and why this book counts as a predictable story. After the read aloud, I would have my students learn more about a cat of their choosing from the book. They could go to the library and pick out a book on the cat they choose and then write about their findings. I could connect my lesson to science and geography by teaching my students about different kinds of cats and where they’re found around the world and also about different cultures.


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Book Title: Have You Seen my Cat?
Author/Illustrator: Eric Carle (Author and Illustrator)

Reading Level: LG
Book Level: 2.8

Summary: The text follows a little boy as he searches for his cat, encountering a wide variety of other cats, large and small.

Bookshelf Mentor Writing Trait(s):
Voice: The way in which this book is written creates a specific voice that is present throughout. The little boy asks different people if they have seen his cat, and then states that it is not his cat. Throughout the

Book Title: Have You Seen my Cat?
Author/Illustrator: Eric Carle (Author and Illustrator)

Reading Level: LG
Book Level: 2.8

Summary: The text follows a little boy as he searches for his cat, encountering a wide variety of other cats, large and small.

Bookshelf Mentor Writing Trait(s):
Voice: The way in which this book is written creates a specific voice that is present throughout. The little boy asks different people if they have seen his cat, and then states that it is not his cat. Throughout the book, the audience is left to create their own responses from those people who the little boy talked to. The purpose is clearly conveyed in the boy’s questions, as well as his answers, as he is looking for his cat and in all instances but the last, the cat in question is not his. While the illustrations do a fantastic job depicting the boy’s ever-growing frustration in not being able to locate his cat, the text does so as well.
Conventions: This book consists of several short, well-punctuated sentences. By creating a story combining pictures and only a few well-punctuated and well-formulated sentences, the importance of sentence structure and punctuation are illuminated. It also allows the audience to contemplate how punctuation plays a role in how sentences are spoken.

Other suggestions:
I believe that this would make an excellent example of how to teach students clear and concise writing, as the text is to the point, yet it conveys an unmistakable message to the audience.


你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎

Have You Seen My Cat? By Eric Carle is about a little boy who loses his cat and goes around asking all different kinds of people if they have seen it. I was not a fan of this book because it was too repetitive with no good storyline or lesson behind it. Although I did not enjoy reading this book, I can see how children would like it because of the child engagement and artistic elements. By asking all different kinds of people with different kinds of cats where his cat was, children may find that Have You Seen My Cat? By Eric Carle is about a little boy who loses his cat and goes around asking all different kinds of people if they have seen it. I was not a fan of this book because it was too repetitive with no good storyline or lesson behind it. Although I did not enjoy reading this book, I can see how children would like it because of the child engagement and artistic elements. By asking all different kinds of people with different kinds of cats where his cat was, children may find that humorous and can interact with the book by guessing where the cat went. This book also has very interesting and unique illustrations to it which are very different from other books that I have seen. The illustrator made the animals using different shapes, but also made them look quirky because they are not perfect and look different than a typical illustration of a cat.To make the fur on the cat he also used a varied mix of lines and patterns making the animals look very uncommon, yet remarkable. This book would be best used at a preschool level so that the children can look at the pictures and listen to a simple story that they would find amusing.

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Bought this book because my husband is a big fan of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and I thought my 2 month old son who enjoyed that book would enjoy more Eric Carle books! I'm biased as a cat lover so I had to get this one.

The visuals are awesome, my son loves them, and the sliding panels are super neat and interested him. I do worry though that over time this mechanism in the book will wear down.

Rated lower only because the story is incredibly repetitive (I know it is only a children's book) bu

Bought this book because my husband is a big fan of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and I thought my 2 month old son who enjoyed that book would enjoy more Eric Carle books! I'm biased as a cat lover so I had to get this one.

The visuals are awesome, my son loves them, and the sliding panels are super neat and interested him. I do worry though that over time this mechanism in the book will wear down.

Rated lower only because the story is incredibly repetitive (I know it is only a children's book) but it is the same two lines for all the pages. This is more of a picture book if you plan to get it than a story.


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Okay, look, I know this is a book for kids who can barely even read yet. But it had me at "Eric Carle" + "cat."

It opens with a dedication "to all the cats in my life," for Pete's sake -- of COURSE I'm going to love this book.

It's a simple story of a boy looking for his missing cat. He goes around the world asking diverse people from different ethnic backgrounds and cultures if they've seen his cat. They point him to a wide variety of cats -- including bobcats and lions! -- but none of them have

Okay, look, I know this is a book for kids who can barely even read yet. But it had me at "Eric Carle" + "cat."

It opens with a dedication "to all the cats in my life," for Pete's sake -- of COURSE I'm going to love this book.

It's a simple story of a boy looking for his missing cat. He goes around the world asking diverse people from different ethnic backgrounds and cultures if they've seen his cat. They point him to a wide variety of cats -- including bobcats and lions! -- but none of them have seen his cat.

Eric Carle is a classic. I remember reading his books as a child, and the artwork is still so fun to look at as an adult.

5/5 stars. Adding this to my list of books for my own future child(ren).


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I'm a collage artist and was given this book by a friend who did paper cutting. I pulled it out again recently because I've been playing around with tissue paper and more basic building shapes from random papers, and wow, this art. Every time I look at this art it gets better. Some of the choices the author made around racial representations are less than ideal, which is why four stars and not five. The art is unbeatable, though. I'm a collage artist and was given this book by a friend who did paper cutting. I pulled it out again recently because I've been playing around with tissue paper and more basic building shapes from random papers, and wow, this art. Every time I look at this art it gets better. Some of the choices the author made around racial representations are less than ideal, which is why four stars and not five. The art is unbeatable, though. ...more

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A little boy sets out on a round-the-world search for his missing cat. Meeting many interesting people along the way, he sees many beautiful members of the cat family. There are lions and tigers and panthers. But where is his cat?

With Eric Carle’s child-friendly, repetitive text and his singular paper-cut illustrations, this is a book for parents and children to treasure.


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Have you seen my cat? is a typical Eric Carle book with a typical pattern throughout the book. This book is ideal for early readers, but also young Toddlers because the words are easy and so repetitive. The illustrations have the typical style as all other Eric Carle books and are child-friendly and inviting. This book would also be a great way to introduce different "wild cats" to children. Have you seen my cat? is a typical Eric Carle book with a typical pattern throughout the book. This book is ideal for early readers, but also young Toddlers because the words are easy and so repetitive. The illustrations have the typical style as all other Eric Carle books and are child-friendly and inviting. This book would also be a great way to introduce different "wild cats" to children. ...more

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Contemporary Realistic Fiction
This is one of those books that is able to draw out a simple concept and make a full and entertaining story. As this boy searches for his cat, he travels to places that give the reader an opportunity to learn about the world outside of what they are familiar with. I appreciate how it draws children into the bigger world around them.

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Just ok. It has great Eric Carle illustrations. The text is "Have you seen my cat? This is not my cat." pretty much the whole book. Each time he the boy asks someone different, someone riding a donkey, two women in Africa, and each time a cat of that region is depicted. The front and back of the book identifies the cats shown: lion, bobcat, tiger, puma, cheetah, jaguar, persian cat and panther. Just ok. It has great Eric Carle illustrations. The text is "Have you seen my cat? This is not my cat." pretty much the whole book. Each time he the boy asks someone different, someone riding a donkey, two women in Africa, and each time a cat of that region is depicted. The front and back of the book identifies the cats shown: lion, bobcat, tiger, puma, cheetah, jaguar, persian cat and panther. ...more

你 有 看 到 我 的 貓 嗎

Eric Carle always has amazing artwork in his books and I love it. The story is basically a boy looking for his cat and everyone keeps pointing him in the direction of a cat they have seen, but it's not his cat until the very end. Eric Carle always has amazing artwork in his books and I love it. The story is basically a boy looking for his cat and everyone keeps pointing him in the direction of a cat they have seen, but it's not his cat until the very end. ...more

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Another great Eric Carle book, it explores different types of cats, and cultures too.

We've loved this book for a couple years now, the pull out tabs have been glued back in so many times, I've lost count.

Another great Eric Carle book, it explores different types of cats, and cultures too.

We've loved this book for a couple years now, the pull out tabs have been glued back in so many times, I've lost count.


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This book is known and it's bright and beautiful illustrations. The audience is definitely for younger children but also introduces larger vocabulary words for Pre-K. The rhyming words in this book are fun and easy to memorize and identify. This book is known and it's bright and beautiful illustrations. The audience is definitely for younger children but also introduces larger vocabulary words for Pre-K. The rhyming words in this book are fun and easy to memorize and identify. ...more

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This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. For a book called WHERE IS MY CAT, there are almost no cats in it. Just a boy asking different people “Where is my cat?” And then he finds it. The end. Spare story is okay if the illustrations are interesting. In this case, they are not really.

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Books like this are so informational for children and hold such a wealth of knowledge. I really enjoy reading books, like this one and many others to my children, for if you start them young then they will grow to have a love for reading and adventure!

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Classic Eric Carle book! My son loves the illustrations and repetition. As an adult reader it gets a little too repetitive, but that is exactly what makes it perfect for beginning readers. Great for ages 1-7.

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I think every Eric Carle book is close to perfect because of his amazing, colorful, block artwork. It's so visually unique and exciting!

The text repetition was fun, all the different cultures and cats were educational. And most importantly, he found his cat at the end!

I think every Eric Carle book is close to perfect because of his amazing, colorful, block artwork. It's so visually unique and exciting!

The text repetition was fun, all the different cultures and cats were educational. And most importantly, he found his cat at the end!


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This is a pretty typical Eric Carle book. A boy is searching for his lost cats and it introduces many different types of cats during his search. It was an quick read with lots of opportunity for engagement. Just not a favorite.

Eric Carle was a children's book author and illustrator, most famous for his book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which has been translated into over 30 languages. Since The Very Hungry Caterpillar was published in 1969, Eric Carle illustrated more than seventy books, many best sellers, most of which he also wrote, and more than 71 million copies of his books have sold around the world. Eric Carle was a children's book author and illustrator, most famous for his book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which has been translated into over 30 languages. Since The Very Hungry Caterpillar was published in 1969, Eric Carle illustrated more than seventy books, many best sellers, most of which he also wrote, and more than 71 million copies of his books have sold around the world. ...more

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