

What is depression? A Mayo Clinic expert explains.

Learn more about depression from Craig Sawchuk, Ph.D., L.P., clinical psychologist at Mayo Clinic.

Hi, I'm Dr. Craig Sawchuk, a clinical psychologist at Mayo Clinic. And I'm here to talk with you about depression. Whether you're looking for answers for yourself, a friend, or loved one, understanding the basics of depression can help you take the next step.

What is depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that causes feelings of sadness that won't go away. Unfortunately, there's a lot of stigma around depression. Depression isn't a weakness or a character flaw. It's not about being in a bad mood, and people who experience depression can't just snap out of it. Depression is a common, serious, and treatable condition. If you're experiencing depression, you're not alone. It honestly affects people of all ages and races and biological sexes, income levels and educational backgrounds. Approximately one in six people will experience a major depressive episode at some point in their lifetime, while up to 16 million adults each year suffer from clinical depression. There are many types of symptoms that make up depression. Emotionally, you may feel sad or down or irritable or even apathetic. Physically, the body really slows down. You feel tired. Your sleep is often disrupted. It's really hard to get yourself motivated. Your thinking also changes. It can just be hard to concentrate. Your thoughts tend to be much more negative. You can be really hard on yourself, feel hopeless and helpless about things. And even in some cases, have thoughts of not wanting to live. Behaviorally, you just want to pull back and withdraw from others, activities, and day-to-day responsibilities. These symptoms all work together to keep you trapped in a cycle of depression. Symptoms of depression are different for everyone. Some symptoms may be a sign of another disorder or medical condition. That's why it's important to get an accurate diagnosis.

What causes depression?

While there's no single cause of depression, most experts believe there's a combination of biological, social, and psychological factors that contribute to depression risk. Biologically, we think about genetics or a family history of depression, health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or thyroid disorders, and even hormonal changes that happen over the lifespan, such as pregnancy and menopause. Changes in brain chemistry, especially disruptions in neurotransmitters like serotonin, that play an important role in regulating many bodily functions, including mood, sleep, and appetite, are thought to play a particularly important role in depression. Socially stressful and traumatic life events, limited access to resources such as food, housing, and health care, and a lack of social support all contribute to depression risk. Psychologically, we think of how negative thoughts and problematic coping behaviors, such as avoidance and substance use, increase our vulnerability to depression.

The good news is that treatment helps. Effective treatments for depression exist and you do have options to see what works best for you. Lifestyle changes that improve sleep habits, exercise, and address underlying health conditions can be an important first step. Medications such as antidepressants can be helpful in alleviating depressive symptoms. Therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy, teaches skills to better manage negative thoughts and improve coping behaviors to help break you out of cycles of depression. Whatever the cause, remember that depression is not your fault and it can be treated.

To help diagnose depression, your health care provider may use a physical exam, lab tests, or a mental health evaluation. These results will help identify various treatment options that best fit your situation.

Help is available. You don't have to deal with depression by yourself. Take the next step and reach out. If you're hesitant to talk to a health care provider, talk to a friend or loved one about how to get help. Living with depression isn't easy and you're not alone in your struggles. Always remember that effective treatments and supports are available to help you start feeling better. Want to learn more about depression? Visit mayoclinic.org. Do take care.





  • 书籍:《妙佑医疗国际家庭健康手册》第 5 版
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  • 感到悲伤、流泪、空虚或无望
  • 即使小事也会引起暴怒、烦躁或沮丧
  • 对大多数或所有正常活动失去兴趣或乐趣,例如性爱、嗜好或运动
  • 睡眠障碍,包括失眠或嗜睡
  • 疲倦和缺乏精力,即使做些小事情也很费劲
  • 食欲不佳和体重减轻,或者饮食冲动增加且体重增加
  • 焦虑、激动或躁动
  • 思维、说话或身体动作缓慢
  • 感到自己毫无价值或者感到内疚,对过去的失败耿耿于怀或自责
  • 难以进行思考、集中精力、做出决定和记住事情
  • 经常或反复考虑死亡、出现自杀想法、有自杀企图或进行自杀
  • 无法解释的身体问题,例如背痛或头痛




  • 幼儿抑郁症的症状可能包括悲伤、烦躁、固执、忧虑、疼痛、拒绝上学或体重过轻。
  • 青少年抑郁症的症状可能包括悲伤、易怒、感觉消极和毫无价值、愤怒、表现不佳或经常旷课、感觉被误解和极度敏感、使用休闲性药物或酒精、饮食或睡眠过多、自残、对正常活动失去兴趣以及避免社交。



  • 记忆困难或性格改变
  • 身体疼痛
  • 疲劳、食欲不振、睡眠问题或对性失去兴趣,而且并非因身体状况或药物引起
  • 经常想呆在家里,而不是出去社交或做一些新鲜的事
  • 有自杀的想法或感觉,尤其是老年男性。




如果您认为自己可能有自残行为或企图自杀,请立即拨打 911 或当地急救电话。


  • 打电话给您的医生或心理健康专家。
  • 拨打自杀热线电话 — 美国请拨打 1-800-273-TALK(1-800-273-8255)致电国家自杀预防生命热线。拨打同一个号码,按“1”接入退伍军人危机热线。
  • 向好友或所爱之人求助。
  • 与牧师、精神领袖或您信仰社群的其他成员联系。

如果您的所爱之人有自杀风险或有过自杀经历,请确保有人陪伴此人。请立即拨打 911 或您当地的急救电话。或如果您认为能安全做到的话,请将此人送往最近的医院急诊室。


  • 在 Mayo Clinic 治疗
  • 男性抑郁症:了解这类问题
  • 疼痛和抑郁症:有联系吗?
  • 精神崩溃:什么意思?



  • 生物学差异。抑郁症患者似乎在其大脑中具有生理变化。这些变化的意义尚不确定,但可能最终有助于查明病因。
  • 脑化学物质。神经递质是天然存在的脑化学物质,可能在抑郁症中发挥作用。最近研究表明,这些神经递质的功能和作用改变以及它们如何与维持情绪稳定的神经回路相互作用,可能在抑郁症及其治疗中发挥重大作用。
  • 激素。身体激素平衡的变化可能与引起或引发抑郁症。激素变化可能随怀孕、在分娩后(产后)几周或几个月期间以及因甲状腺问题、绝经或许多其他病症产生。
  • 遗传的性状。在血亲也有这种状况的人中,抑郁症更为常见。研究人员正在试图找到可能与引起抑郁症的有关基因。




  • 低自尊、过于独立、自我批判或悲观等某些性格特征
  • 身体虐待或性虐待、失去所爱之人或所爱之人亡故、难以处理人系关系、经济问题等创伤或压力事件
  • 血亲有抑郁症史、双相障碍、酗酒或自杀过往
  • 在得不到支持的处境中身为女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性人或变性人,或者是生殖器官的发育变化无法清楚辨别男女(雌雄间体)
  • 焦虑障碍、进食障碍或创伤后应激障碍等其他心理健康障碍史
  • 滥用酒精或休闲性药物
  • 癌症、卒中、慢性疼痛或心脏病等严重疾病或慢性病
  • 一些降压药或安眠药等某些药物(停药前请咨询您的医生)




  • 体重过多或肥胖症,可能导致心脏病和糖尿病
  • 疼痛或身体疾病
  • 酗酒或药物滥用
  • 焦虑症、恐慌症或社交恐惧症
  • 家庭冲突、人际关系困难以及工作或读书问题
  • 社交孤立
  • 想自杀的感觉、自杀未遂或自杀
  • 自残,例如切割伤害
  • 因医疗状况而早逝



  • 采取措施控制压力,提高恢复力,增强自尊心。
  • 向家人和朋友求助,尤其是在危机时刻,让他们帮助您度过难关。
  • 在出现问题的第一时间接受治疗,以防止抑郁症恶化。
  • 考虑接受长期维持治疗,以防止症状复发。

Oct. 14, 2022


抑郁症是一种心境障碍,会令人持续感觉忧伤和丧失兴趣。 抑郁症也称为重度抑郁障碍或临床抑郁症,会影响您的感受、思维和行为,可能导致各种情绪和身体问题。




这种抑郁症病情十分严重,需要入院治疗。 患者可能出现的症状包括:焦虑、躁动、失眠、臆想、认知障碍、行动力下降、产生幻觉或错觉。


精力不足,常常感到疲惫。 ... .